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A LBERT E INSTEIN 1870-1955 By: Makayla Miller Stahl.

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1 A LBERT E INSTEIN 1870-1955 By: Makayla Miller Stahl

2 T ALENTED Albert created the atom bomb which was later used by the United States in World War 2. He figured out math problems, such as E=mc2. Albert wrote the General Theory of Relativity in 1905.

3 I NTELLIGENT Albert wrote the General Theory of Relativity in 1905. He did very well at math and Latin when he was young. He won the Nobel Prize for his work on the Quantum Theory of Light.

4 P ERSEVERANCE Albert Einstein got through World War 1. This was difficult for Einstein because he was Jewish and was living in Germany at that time.

5 C ITATIONS Associated Press. Albert Einstein. 17 March 1954. United States. =x&kw=Einstein%2C+Albert&intv=None. Web. 10 March 2010. =x&kw=Einstein%2C+Albert&intv=None “Einstein, Albert." Leaders of the Information Age. 2003. Biography Reference Bank. Web. 9 Feb. 2010. MacLeod, Elizabeth. Albert Einstein: a Life Genius. NY: Kids Can Press Ltd, 2003. Print.

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