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The Writing Process: Stage 1 Prewriting. 2 Writing Process: Overview  Focus is on what students think and do as they write.  It is a process.  It is.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Process: Stage 1 Prewriting. 2 Writing Process: Overview  Focus is on what students think and do as they write.  It is a process.  It is."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Process: Stage 1 Prewriting

2 2 Writing Process: Overview  Focus is on what students think and do as they write.  It is a process.  It is not linear, but recursive.  The stages merge and recur as students write.

3 3 Stage 1: Prewriting  It is the getting-ready to write stage.  Up to 70% of writing time needs to be spent in prewriting.  Teach the structure of the form (narrative, poetry, biography, correspondence, or another written language form).

4 4 Stage 1 - Prewriting Choosing a Topic  Teachers should not supply topics for students -- "writing welfare" (Graves, 1976).  Specify writing form & function (i.e., share what you have learned about...), but have students choose their own specific content.

5 Stage 1 – Prewriting Purpose  Students think about purpose of writing To entertain? To inform? To persuade?  Important because it influences decisions students make about audience and form 5

6 6 Stage 1 - Prewriting Audience  Student authors may write for themselves or for others.  Writing for others requires adapting writing to fit the audience.

7 7 Stage 1 - Prewriting Form  Six Writing Genres Descriptive Informational (Expository)  autobiography/biography Journals / Letters (Correspondence) Persuasive Poetry Story (Narrative)

8 Stage 1 – Prewriting GPS Forms of Writing  Narrative  Expository  Persuasive  Response to literature 8

9 9 Stage 1 – Prewriting Graphic Organizers Purposes plan writing using words and/or phrases rather than complete sentences plan writing in sequenced steps and/or in precise locations on the organizer see the content of writing as a whole

10 10 Stage 1: Prewriting Graphic Organizers: Purposes see interrelationships among the content of the writing see where additional planning is needed see the structure of written language forms

11 Stage 1: Prewriting Types of Graphic Organizers  story maps  poetic graphic organizers  correspondence graphic organizers  auto/biographic graphic organizers  compare & contrast organizers  sequence organizers  expository organizers 11

12 12 GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS  raphic_organizers.htm raphic_organizers.htm  ge/6293.html ge/6293.html  anizer/ anizer/

13 13 Stage 1: Prewriting Teaching 1.Model the use of a graphic organizer or other prewriting strategy. 2.Have students use the strategy.

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