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 What is electronic data?  Information stored electronically, e.g. pictures, music, documents, etc.  Where can you store your data?  Cell phones 

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2  What is electronic data?  Information stored electronically, e.g. pictures, music, documents, etc.  Where can you store your data?  Cell phones  Computers  Flash drives  Cloud Storage (Online)

3  na804/video/video_index.html na804/video/video_index.html  Picture Demonstration

4  When you delete something, Windows just deletes the file’s address and marks the space as free space even though the file is still there.  Until that space is overwritten with new data, that file is still easily recoverable.

5  Use a special program to delete files  Eraser (  After deleting a file, this type of program overwrites the file a certain number times with random data. This prevents people from recovering the data.

6  Sometimes really skilled people can still recover files deleted with these special programs  The only surefire way to securely delete data is to physically destroy the device


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