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The road less traveled: Personal reflections of a physics teacher educator Carl J. Wenning PTE Coordinator Illinois State University.

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Presentation on theme: "The road less traveled: Personal reflections of a physics teacher educator Carl J. Wenning PTE Coordinator Illinois State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The road less traveled: Personal reflections of a physics teacher educator Carl J. Wenning PTE Coordinator Illinois State University

2 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 2 Where are we at? »50% of all current teachers will retire in next 10 years. »40% of current science teachers will retire within next 5 years. »Illinois has 45-50 “unfilled” physics teaching positions annually. »Illinois PTE not up the task.

3 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 3 How did we get here?(+) »Historically small percentage of students take physics in high school with growing demand. »Technology and jobs requiring more science understanding. »More science being required to meet testing or college admission requirement. »Physics First and Conceptual Physics are having an impact.

4 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 4 How did we get here?(-) »Baby boomer generation retiring. »Competition from other professions. »Physics at end of lock-step sequence. »Failure of science teachers to promote their own profession. »Insufficient attention paid to growing need for physics teachers by professional organizations and postsecondary schools.

5 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 5 What can we do about it? »ISAAPT Ad Hoc Committee (2004). »Pipeline Project Report (2004/05). »Brochure & web page (2005/06). »Cracker Barrel discussion re: TG. David Sykes Ken Mellendorf Mel Sabella Ann Brandon Rob Mason Ivan Trimble Roger Malcolm David Cornell Carl Wenning

6 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 6 Critical Steps >> Inspiration >> Identification >> Recruitment >> Preparation >> Induction >> Mentoring >> Retention

7 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 7 Inspiration »Make physics fun for all students. »Allow best students to practice teach and tutor and set up labs. »Conduct programs for elementary. »Ask for comments and suggestions. »Speak positively about teaching. »Take students to a conference. »Be a joyful teacher.

8 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 8 Identification »Good character traits: enthusiasm, curiosity, honesty, patience, clarity, trustfulness. »“People personalities” with empathy. »Natural teacher/natural scientist. »Active participant/capable student. »Strives for conceptual understanding. »Good at time management/multitasking. »Learns well from experience.

9 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 9 Recruitment »Must include direct/indirect approaches. »A direct invitation followed up with resource information. »Take students to summer teaching internship or workshop at university or ISAAPT meeting for prospective physics teacher seminar. »Invitation by school district, including providing supporting funds.

10 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 10 Preparation »Inquiry and the nature of science. »Constructivism/concept change. »Organizational patterns. »Metacognition and student self- regulation. »Cooperative learning

11 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 11 Induction »Appropriate supervisory practices. »Avoid overworking novice teachers: »Multiple preparations. »Least desirable courses. »Most difficult teaching situations. »More preparation time.

12 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 12 Mentoring »Pair up novice teacher with an experienced teacher from the same discipline. »Formalize the relationship, and provide remuneration to mentor. »Consider employing retired teachers.

13 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 13 Professional Growth »End the classroom isolation. »Establish and nurture long-term school-university partnerships. »Provide professional development opportunities.

14 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 14 “A Hopeful Sign” (AAAS)

15 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 15 What it took »A departmentalized program. »A full-time program coordinator. »Program accreditation along with implementation of NSTA Teacher Preparation Standards »A willingness by the faculty to say “enough is enough.” »Plenty of hard work!

16 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 16 Challenges to PTE »Many more PTE majors »More females and minorities »More rural candidates »A convergence of what constitutes “quality” physics teacher candidate preparation. »A synthesis of PER findings.

17 4/8/06ISAAPTPage 17 Challenges to ISAAPT »The ISBE “science” certificate. »Promotion of teaching careers by our own and similar associations. »Providing outreach to prospective teachers through its meetings. »To become more high school physics teacher and physics teacher candidate friendly.

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