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乐山大佛 LESHAN G IANT B UDDAH Trevor and Isaiah

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Presentation on theme: "乐山大佛 LESHAN G IANT B UDDAH Trevor and Isaiah"— Presentation transcript:

1 乐山大佛 LESHAN G IANT B UDDAH Trevor and Isaiah

2 - 从 Austin 到 LA 坐飞机 - 从 LA 到程度坐 飞机 - 从程度到大佛 坐火车 - 从乐山到来上 大佛汽车 - 从 Austin 到 LA 坐飞机 - 从 LA 到程度坐 飞机 - 从程度到大佛 坐火车 - 从乐山到来上 大佛汽车

3 -Sources-


5 F ACTS ABOUT G IANT BUDDHA -Carving of Buddha started in the year of 713 and ended in 803 -Project initiated by a monk who hoped to “control” a water spirit -The Buddha is 79 ft. wide, and 233 ft. high -The Buddha has a gutter system on the head, arms, behind the ears, and on the clothes to keep the water from rotting the inside of the buddha -Carving of Buddha started in the year of 713 and ended in 803 -Project initiated by a monk who hoped to “control” a water spirit -The Buddha is 79 ft. wide, and 233 ft. high -The Buddha has a gutter system on the head, arms, behind the ears, and on the clothes to keep the water from rotting the inside of the buddha

6 F ACTS ABOUT 四川 S ICHUAN -The providence of Sichuan main industry is farming -In 2004 there was 788,000 births in Sichuan - Sichuan is high in the west, but has a low altitude in the east -The providence of Sichuan main industry is farming -In 2004 there was 788,000 births in Sichuan - Sichuan is high in the west, but has a low altitude in the east

7 O THER INTERESTING ATTRACTIONS IN S ICHUAN Wolong National Natural Reserve -”Hometown of giant pandas” -”Largest and best-known panda reserve in China” -Located in Chengdu, Sichuan Wolong National Natural Reserve -”Hometown of giant pandas” -”Largest and best-known panda reserve in China” -Located in Chengdu, Sichuan Yellow Dragon Temple -Unique scenery -Built in the Ming dynasty -Valley is 8km long and can be explored in half a day on foot -Located in Jiangyou, Sichuan Yellow Dragon Temple -Unique scenery -Built in the Ming dynasty -Valley is 8km long and can be explored in half a day on foot -Located in Jiangyou, Sichuan


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