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Tourism Policy and Knowledge Processes in Tourism Development Theoretical reflections and preliminary Results from a Comparative Study of European destinations.

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Presentation on theme: "Tourism Policy and Knowledge Processes in Tourism Development Theoretical reflections and preliminary Results from a Comparative Study of European destinations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tourism Policy and Knowledge Processes in Tourism Development Theoretical reflections and preliminary Results from a Comparative Study of European destinations 1.Conceptualising tourism policy: Sceptical notes 2.Re-conceptualising tourism policy: Institutionalist perspectives 3.Tourism policy and knowledge dynamics: A comparative perspective Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University,

2 CONCEPTUALISING TOURISM POLICY Widespread typologies (Fayos-Solá, Hall) generational approach –boosterism, economic, community, sustainable multi-dimensional ideal-types A certain unease not with the sources but with application discursive ‘game of labels’ over-looking variation and contradictions

3 RE-CONCEPTUALISING TOURISM POLICY Points of departure new institutionalism (North) network theory (Rhodes) discourse analysis (Åkerstrøm Andersen) policy analysis (Hogwood, Hood) Point of reference institutionalist approach to regional policy –H Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Peter Lang 2006

4 RE-CONCEPTUALISING TOURISM POLICY Political environment Public actors Private actors Discursive terrain Implementing organisation Political sponsor Organisation Policy design Economic & socio-cultural environment Public actors Private actors Cultural patterns Discursive terrain Policy target Firms Organisations Public authorities Tourists PROBLEM DEFINITION POLICY OUTCOME Source: Inspired by inter alia Ham & Hill, Jenkins, Sabatier, Parsons, Winter – Elaborated on the basis of Henrik Halkier: Institutions, Discourse and Regional Development, Brussels: PIE Peter Lang, 2006, chapter 3.

5 RE-CONCEPTUALISING TOURISM POLICY Socio- economic context Destination Targets State/region Tourists Competitors Sponsoring Strategy Resources Organisation Aims Instruments Knowledge DMO Focus on three central relations the destination and its political, social, economic contexts the destination and its destination management organisation (DMO) the DMO and it targets among firms, workforce, tourists, institutions

6 Tourism policies compared CASE STUDIES EURODITE contributions 2005-2010 network researching regional knowledge dynamics focus on seven selected sectors, including tourism sectoral / territorial / firm-level knowledge dynamics read more: Five case studies in tourism North Jutland, Denmark: All-year tourism, museums Ruhr, Germany: Industrial heritage, football Antalya, Turkey: Coastal tourism, football Achterhoek, Netherlands: Rural tourism Skaane, Sweden: Film tourism

7 Tourism policies compared TOURISM CONTEXTS 1 Attraction CulturalNatural Organi- sation Individual Ruhr heritage Skaane film Antalya branding North Jutland museums Achterhoek rural North Jutland DMOs CollectiveAntalya footballAntalya coastal

8 Tourism policies compared TOURISM CONTEXTS 2 Germany Netherlands Denmark EU average Turkey

9 Tourism policies compared TOURISM CONTEXTS 2 Germany Netherlands Denmark Turkey Sweden

10 Tourism policies compared STRATEGIC AIMS Communication ContinuityChange Service/ experience Continuity Service strategyMarketing strategy ChangeInnovation strategyBranding strategy Individual-cultural Individual-natural Collective-cultural Collective-natural

11 Tourism policies compared POLICY TARGETS Individual-cultural Individual-natural Collective-cultural Collective-natural Target capabilities HardwareSoftwareOrgware Target insti- tutions Individuals Firms System

12 Tourism policies compared POLICY INSTRUMENTS Individual-cultural Individual-natural Collective-cultural Collective-natural Rules / resources Authority Infor- mation Finance Organi- sation Mandatory Conditional Voluntary

13 Tourism policies compared POLICY GOVERNANCE Individual-cultural Individual-natural Collective-cultural Collective-natural Public-private governance Public governance Governme nt NetworkMarket European National Regional/ local

14 Individual-cultural Individual-natural Collective-cultural Collective-natural Tourism policies compared KNOWLEDGE IMPACT Analy- tical SyntheticSymbolic Exploration Examination Exploitation

15 Policy patterns in case studies focus on development of new services target critical knowledge resources knowledge-intensive policies synthetic knowledge predominate Scope for policy development creative market intelligence extra-regional sources of knowledge skills development of DMOS and SMEs networking, evaluation …. Tourism policies compared CONCLUSIONS

16 Tourism Policy and Knowledge Processes in Tourism Development Theoretical reflections and preliminary Results from a Comparative Study of European destinations Henrik Halkier, Aalborg University, For draft written paper e-mail

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