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Current Issues of Equality & Diversity in Higher Education David Ruebain Chief Executive, Equality Challenge Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Issues of Equality & Diversity in Higher Education David Ruebain Chief Executive, Equality Challenge Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Issues of Equality & Diversity in Higher Education David Ruebain Chief Executive, Equality Challenge Unit

2 Equality Challenge Unit =Established in 2001 to promote equality for staff in higher education in the UK =Remit extended in 2006 to include students =Funded by the 4 UK higher education funding Councils, Universities UK and GuildHE =19 staff, based in London =Since August 2011 working with colleges in Scotland

3 Equality Challenge Unit ECU works to further and support equality and diversity for staff and students in higher education and seeks to ensure that staff and students are not unfairly excluded, marginalised or disadvantaged because of age, disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity status, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, or through any combination of these characteristics or other unfair treatment.

4 What we do Research and investigation Guidance Advice line Systemic change “beyond compliance” Chartermark? Networks REF, Research, sector specific work Equality Link Web resources

5 And also =Biennial Conference =Best practice =Regional support =Intersection with widening participation (OFFA) – increasingly important with changes to the sector (fees, core & margin, student “experience”) =Academic Roundtables (identifying issues, undertaking research, consultees)?

6 45 years of legislation =From the Race Relations Act 1965 to the Equality act 2010 and 9 protected characteristics =Direct and indirect discrimination, victimisation, harassment, reasonable adjustments =Equal pay, positive action, procurement =The Public Sector Duty =Socioeconomic status?

7 Equality of what? =Opportunity =Outcome =Dignity?

8 Some Challenges in HE =BME staff ‒Underrepresentation; marginalisation =BME students ‒Differential degree attainment =Disabled staff/students ‒Disclosure ‒Lack of support for staff as compared with students =Older staff ‒Abolition of default retirement age

9 Challenges (2) =Gender ‒“Leaky pipeline” for women academics ‒Male students attainment and pastoral support =Sexual orientation ‒Harassment ‒Employment security and research agenda =Religion and belief ‒Participation and access ‒Accommodating religious observance

10 Students – ethnicity =BME students increased from 14.9% in 2003/04 to 18.1% in 2009/10. =Increase in the proportion of BME students across all sub-categories, with the percentage of black students increasing at the fastest rate, from 4.4% to 5.9%. However: =Lower degree attainment than white peers =Lower continuation rates than white peers Higher levels of representation nationally

11 Ethnicity and type of institution (Runnymede: 2010, p.7)

12 Student subject choice by ethnicity


14 Source: ECU publication ‘Equality in higher education: Statistical report 2011.’ The degree attainment gap increased from 17.2% in 2003/04 to a peak of 18.8% in 2005/06 and was 18.6% in 2009/10. The attainment gap is highest between white and black students, where the difference was 29.8% in 2009/10.

15 Students – disability Of those students for whom disability information was available, the proportion known to have a disability increased from 5.5% in 2003/04 to 7.6% in 2009/10. =First degree undergraduate qualifiers known to have a disability were less likely to obtain a first class honours or upper second class honours degree (59.9%) than those not known to have a disability (63.4%). = Of those declaring a disability, students who were in receipt of DSA were more likely to obtain a first class honours or upper second class honours degree (60.2%) than students who did not receive DSA.

16 Students – Gender =Over the past 7 years, there has been consistently more female students than male students in higher education. =Male students are more likely to attain a lower 2 nd or 3 rd class honours. =Male students are more likely to withdraw from course. =52.4% of post-graduate student studying SET subjects are male.

17 The proportion of UK national BME academics is slowly increasing (5.9% in 2003/04 to 7.0% in 2009/10). However – UK national, BME staff are more likely to be on fixed- term contracts Less likely to be in professorial roles Staff - Race

18 Staff - Gender =Overall 19.1% of professors are women. This is more acute in SET subjects at 15.1%. =The mean and median salaries of female staff are less than for male staff in almost all occupation groups.

19 Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 =Successor to the Research Assessment Exercise =Process of expert review of research quality Equality issues, learning from the previous exercise (RAE 2008) =Selection rate for staff with declared disability lower than for staff without declared disability =67% of male permanent academic staff selected in comparison to 48% of women =Women aged 30 – 50 particularly low rate of selection =Selection rate of black staff the lowest Source: Selection of staff for inclusion in RAE 2008, HECFE 2009/34

20 Measures to support equality in the REF =Explicit equality requirements in HEIs’ codes of practice =Requirement to provide equality training to those selecting staff to the REF =Clarity on how individuals cans be submitted without reduced outputs without penalty due to equality considerations =Centralised Equality and Diversity Panel (EDAP)

21 Reductions in output for the REF Panel criteria allow for reduction in research outputs in relation to: 1.Clearly defined circumstances Early career researchers, part time working, maternity, paternity or adoptive leave, secondments or career breaks 2.More complex circumstances Disability, constraints relating to pregnancy or maternity in addition to clearly defined period of leave, caring responsibilities, gender reassignment, other circumstances related to protected characteristics

22 ECU’s role in the REF =Member of REF Equality and Diversity Advisory Group and observer on Equality and Diversity Advisory Panel =Workshops on equality requirements of REF for HEIs REF managers =Materials to support equality provisions in the REF, including: =Guidance on equality impact assessments and the REF =Developing a Code of Practice =Staff disclosure of personal circumstances template =Case studies on complex staff circumstances =Train the trainer materials on equality in the REF (

23 Why do anything? -Business case – diverse institutions perform better, particularly in a global, diverse environment -Legislation - compliance -E&D is part of core mission of research and teaching & learning

24 Systemic change work Concentrated on under-representation of women and BME staff in higher education Exploring culture change, not just support for individuals. Not just about “intent” Building on Athena SWAN principles May lead to a framework or kite mark

25 Building on Athena SWAN =The culture of your department – self assessment =Mentoring and career development support =Career transition points =Committee membership and development =Flexible working arrangements =Transparent workload allocation models =Core hours of meetings =Support for those on/returning from parental leave

26 ECU in a complex environment =Tension between “pushing the agenda” and supporting compliance =Differing needs of the sector from mission groups, regions, types and size of HEIs =Impact of our work

27 Contact details 7th Floor Queens House 55/56 Lincoln's Inn Fields London WC2A 3LJ Tel: 0207 438 1010

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