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OSHA Safety Training.  Impaired driving can be defined as a reduction in the performance of critical driving tasks due to the effects of alcohol or other.

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Presentation on theme: "OSHA Safety Training.  Impaired driving can be defined as a reduction in the performance of critical driving tasks due to the effects of alcohol or other."— Presentation transcript:

1 OSHA Safety Training

2  Impaired driving can be defined as a reduction in the performance of critical driving tasks due to the effects of alcohol or other drugs.

3  Drunk  Drugs  Drowsy/Fatigued  Deterioration (natural aging process)

4  Impaired driving effects everyone.  Have to account for other drivers on the road.  Report Impaired Drivers: ▪ weaving, swerving, or drifting, ▪ driving on wrong side of the road, ▪ driving very slowly ▪ stopping or breaking erratically ▪ turning abruptly or responding slowly to traffic signals ▪ driving with headlights off at night.

5 Fatigued Danger Signs: -Reduced reaction time -Unclear decision making -Diminished energy -Apathy (not caring) Drowsy Danger Signs: -Can’t focus or keep eyes open -Can’t keep your head up -Cant stop yawning -Having confused thoughts -Don’t remember last few miles -Drift on to the rumble strip -Speed up or slow down often -Miss an exit

6 “Drivers who are texting while behind the wheel have a 23% higher chance of causing a crash. That is equivalent to downing four beers and then getting behind the wheel”

7 The activity in the area of the brain that processes moving images decreases by up to 1/3 when talking on the phone. Multitasking while driving is a myth! A driver’s field of view narrows significantly while talking on the phone.

8  Be a responsible driver!  Have a plan and establish a designated driver or call a taxi  Know your limits


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