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Matching Puzzle Grab a pair of scissors, a puzzle sheet and sit at your desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Matching Puzzle Grab a pair of scissors, a puzzle sheet and sit at your desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matching Puzzle Grab a pair of scissors, a puzzle sheet and sit at your desk.

2 Warm up: Write the WHOLE problem down. 1.The data below represents the height of a rocket shot from 150 ft above ground and traveling at a velocity of 50 m/second. Find the quadratic equation that models this data. 2. What form of the quadratic equation did we get from this data? Seconds012345 Meters150195.1230.44255.9271.6277.5

3 Answer:

4 Follow up Now find the maximum height reached by the rocket, and how many seconds it took to get there. In order to answer this question we need to know the______? Can we determine the vertex given the general equation? What form to we need?

5 Goal To convert a quadratic equation from General Form to Vertex Form. Method: Completing the Square.

6 Factoring: Completing the Square

7 General to Vertex form

8 Completing the Square Method

9 Example 1

10 Cont…


12 Example 2

13 State the vertex

14 Example 3: You try

15 Example 4: You try again

16 Example 5

17 Example 6

18 Homework 7.3: Skip #2 This is a big assignment. Pace yourself! The only way to really understand this stuff is to Practice…A LOT!

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