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Working Memory and Academic Learning: Supporting WM in the Classroom

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1 Working Memory and Academic Learning: Supporting WM in the Classroom
Dr. Milton J. Dehn ESC Webinar February 2012

2 Notice of Copyright, 2012 This PowerPoint and accompanying materials are copyrighted by Milton J. Dehn and Schoolhouse Educational Services, LLC. All rights reserved. No photocopying, electronic display, or electronic dissemination of these materials is allowed without written permission.

3 Workshop Information Sources
References in handouts Dehn, M. J. (2008). Working Memory and Academic Learning: Assessment and Intervention. Wiley: 2008. Dehn, M. J. (2011). Helping Students Remember Presenter Contact Info. Milton J. Dehn:


5 WM Workshop Content WM screening WM and academic learning WM and LD
Cognitive load Working memory and specific academic skills Classroom instruction that reduces WM load Mnemonic classroom WM strategies Accommodations LTM strategies that support WM

6 Working Memory Screening for Young Children
Verbal: Digits Forward; Letter Span; Memory for Words; Memory for Sentences Visual-spatial: Picture Recognition, Spatial Span, Recall of Designs Executive WM: Digits Backward; Letter-Number WM levels are very predictive of later academic performance; need for LD

7 WM Deficits and Academic Skills
Of children with WM abilities in the bottom 10 percentiles, over 80% have substantial problems in either reading or math, or most commonly both (Gathercole) Their academic learning is frequently hindered by WM overload

8 Children’s WM in the Classroom
In the average class, WM capacity will range 5 years of WM development Those with WM deficits have slower rates of learning Most activities require keeping info. in mind while cognitively processing WM deficits often mistaken for attention and motivation problems

9 WM and Learning WM capacity is a general limiting factor for academic learning; specifically, it is necessary for the generation and modification of knowledge stored in LTM Direct access and maintenance of several separate elements is necessary to construct new relations in episodic WM and LTM Also necessary for successful academic performance

10 WM and Academic Learning
A core cognitive process WM predicts academic learning Deficit predicts need for special ed. One in 10 children has a WM impairment (Alloway) Perhaps half of LD have a WM deficit (Dehn) WM deficits seen in several disabilities

11 Populations with WM Deficits
LD ADHD, especially inattentive type TBI Down’s Syndrome Language Impaired

12 RD WM Deficits: WISC-IV Means
Perceptual Reasoning 94.4 Processing Speed 92.5 Verbal Comprehension 91.9 Working Memory 87.0

13 LD WM Deficits Comorbid disabilities
Involve executive WM A broader impairment of W Capacity or strategy deficit?---capacity for LD But they also lack strategy use (catch 22) LTM/knowledge makes a difference So how do they learn?---under low load conditions Other processing deficits also reduce WM span, e.g., processing speed

14 WM Markers for LD (Dehn)
74 students evaluated for learning problems 6.5% of students not eligible for LD (using a discrepancy model) had a normative weakness in Executive WM 42% of those eligible for LD but NOT placed had a normative weakness in Executive WM Of those placed in LD, 43% had both a normative and ipsative weakness in Executive WM compared to only 4.3% of students not eligible for LD Having both a normative and an ipsative weakness is more predictive of need for LD

15 Why WM Deficits Go With Disabilities
WM is a vulnerable cognitive function WM is necessary for most cognitive functioning Reflects underlying deterioration of neural structures Damage to myelin and axons may be the primary CNS cause of WM disruptions

16 WM and Academic Learning
Language and listening comprehension Following directions Learning vocabulary Note taking Reasoning All academic skills

17 WM and Academic Skills Basic reading skills Reading comprehension
Math calculation Math reasoning Written expression Correlations with WM mostly .5 range Correlations with STM are lower View other processes View working memory components

18 WM and Basic Reading Skills
Closer to phonological STM than WM Phonological STM activates LTM Verbal rehearsal Inhibiting visual representations Executive WM involved in blending Automaticity/fluency reduces WM load Vocab. dev. related to phonological STM

19 WM and Reading Comprehension
Mainly Verbal WM and Executive WM Stores sentences and parts of sentences Meaning constructed; associations LTM involvement; background info. Role of reading decoding automaticity Phonological & visuospatial STM minimal Inhibition important

20 WM and Written Language
Mainly Verbal WM and Executive WM Except spelling is more phono. STM Lots of simultaneous processing and holding of information High demands even after automaticity Executive WM must coordinate memory with other processes

21 WM and Mathematics Important for learning math facts
Holding intermediary results Visuospatial memory important Processing speed & automaticity Executive WM important for coordinating memory components and allocating resources in math reasoning

22 Three Approaches to Improving WM and Learning
Reduce the “cognitive load” imposed on the student The student can make more effective use of existing WM capabilities by learning to use strategies Directly increase WM capacity through the use of training exercises (next time)

23 Teacher’s Perspective on WM
Child is inattentive or unmotivated May not understand what WM is May not understand how their instructional style effects cognitive load or the cognitive loads of various tasks Educating teachers about WM is an important component of supporting WM in the classroom

24 Supporting WM in the Classroom
Brief, linguistically simple directions Frequent repetitions of new information Quiet learning environment External memory aides Overlearn to automaticity Organized, concise presentations Teaching WM strategies in the classroom Reduce cognitive load General Principles & Instructional Techniques Link

25 General Principle: Visual and Verbal
Instructors should be both verbal and visual Instruct students to visualize verbal info. Instruction students to name/describe visual-spatial info. Spreads load out A chance for WM strength LTM: Increases the number of pathways available for retrieval

26 Cognitive Load Theory WM is a combination of processing & storage
Processing & storage both draw on WM capacity Learner can only focus attention on one aspect at a time The greater the processing demands, the less that can be retained in WM/STM (linear) “Cognitive Load” is the processing portion

27 Retention as a Function of Cognitive Load

28 Task Switching (Time Sharing)
To retain info. in WM, one must frequently switch from processing to refreshing the info. If the processing (cognitive load) is demanding, there will be less switching and more info. will be lost Theoretically, when cognitive load consumes all of WM; all info. is lost (Barrouillet, 2011) Switching is difficult for young children Example: remember steps while completing an online task

29 Cognitive Load Switching and amount of info. increase the time to complete the processing Environmental distractions add to cog. load Irrelevant thoughts adds to cognitive load Cognitive load is the main determinant of storage in WM (and STM) In experiments with very high load, children can typically retain one item of information

30 Cognitive Load in the Classroom
Instruction easily overloads WM By the nature of the material By the manner it is presented Focus on designing instruction that reduces cognitive load Typical classroom learning activities easily overload WM

31 Classroom Overload Exs.
Long, complex, inconsistent verbalization Requiring two processes simultaneously No time for processing or rehearsal No external memory aids Noisy learning environment No or limited scaffolding/support Disorganized presentations Too many concurrent demands

32 High Cognitive Load Examples
Excessive length Unfamiliar and not meaningful content Demanding mental activities Need to integrate information Keeping track of steps while doing task Tasks that require a lot of switching of attention

33 Cognitive Load Reduction
Well designed instruction reduces load Leaves capacity for retention & encoding of info. Or, allow processing without need to remember; e.g. facts in writing are available Or, processing reminders are available Teach students to alternate between processing and refreshing Students learn under low load conditions

34 Reducing Cognitive Load
Only one step, process at a time Allow time for processing and rehearsal Allow self-paced processing Provide external memory aids Quite learning environment Organized materials and presentations Worked, partially-completed examples Keep adding more for student to complete

35 Reducing Cognitive Load
Sequence material from simple to complex Present material in an integrated way Include visual presentation Side by side information (being able to see as all the information in an integrated fashion) better than stacked information (e.g. computers) Avoid load that is not related or necessary to the learning (extraneous load)

36 WM and Automaticity Automaticity reduces cognitive load
Mastery frees up WM resources Reading decoding and reading comprehension Math problem solving Written language Organization and coordination Long-term structures free up WM Automaticity equals faster processing Automaticity is the great equalizer

37 The Mnemonic Classroom
Focus on methods that support consolidation, storage, and retrieval, not just encoding Educates students about memory Teaches memory strategies/mnemonics Conveys message that you can improve your memory Mnemonic instruction improves academic learning

38 Strategy Training Guidelines
Apply to teaching of any strategy Link to guidelines

39 Rehearsal Strategies (STM)
Most have by age 10; 1st graders can learn Serial and cumulative repetitive process Repeat first word until next delivered then add next word to the repetition First aloud, then subvocal Good maintenance if overlearned Increase length of list Example of 8-year old

40 Chunking Pair/associate items to be remembered as a whole
Combining numbers or phonemes Chunks become patterns in LTM Direct student to chunk Make list longer as training proceeds Continue until chunking is automatic

41 Semantic Clustering Grouping items by category
Can be done with objects, pictures, words When recalling: First recall the category Then how many items in category Then specific items For missing items, think of other items in this category, in effect “recognizing” the response

42 General Skills to Teach Student
Ask for help and repetition Take notes Be organized Don’t self-overload; one task/step at a time Learn to use memory aids

43 Misc. Recommendations Arithmetic problems should be presented vertically, not horizontally Make aids directly accessible (on desk top)

44 Accommodations Extended testing time Repeating information
Simplifying information Providing written checklists and reminders of step-by-step procedures One task at a time Slow down presentation Help focus with prompts and cues

45 Why LTM Interventions Included
Fits with contemporary WM theories LTM encoding is a WM function Ultimate goal of WM interventions is learning (LTM encoding and retrieval) Improvements in LTM support WM and increase its efficiency Prior knowledge reduces cognitive load LTM strategies can transfer to WM

46 Loci Visual pairing of items with well known objects, e.g. household furniture Can be in order See internet video Loci practice with items in student’s bedroom: Boston settlers in sequence: Native Americans, Vikings, Pilgrims, Italians

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