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San Juan College Assessment Team Andrea Cooper, PhD.

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1 San Juan College Assessment Team Andrea Cooper, PhD

2 1. Teachers Teach to Clear Objectives to Support Student Learning. - Teachers align course design and daily lesson objectives with Syllabus/Course Learning Outcomes. 2. Teachers Apply Effective Practices in Curriculum and Instruction to Support Student Learning. - Teachers base best practices on discipline needs, professional development, collaboration with colleagues, and research. 3. Teachers Frequently Assess Student Learning. - Teachers use formative (non-graded) and summative (graded) assessments to guide student learning towards and identify student achievement of objectives and Course Learning Outcomes. - Departments use course level assessments and solicit external feedback from stakeholders to evaluate student performance. 4. Teachers Use Assessments to Revise Curriculum and Instruction to Improve Student Achievement. - Teachers use best practices research, professional development, and collaboration with colleagues to guide curricular revisions.

3 Institutional CSLOs Assessment Team Program Assessment Plan Academic Schools Course Department Classroom Instructor Gen Ed CSLOs Assessment Team CATs Handout

4 Broad and Specialized Learning (BSL) Critical Thinking (CT) Cultural and Civic Engagement (CCE) Effective Communication (EC) Integrating Technologies (IT)

5 Total artifacts assessed=106

6 2.87 168

7 4 5 15

8 5=Exemplary 4=Proficient 3=Competent 2=Developing 1=Unsatisfactory CSLO Assessment 2009-2013 Total Artifacts assessed=436 Average


10  Bigger sample sizes are more accurate › Focused on collecting CCE artifacts  Focus on CT › Held several workshops/sessions › Discussed how we teach CT and how we can teach it more effectively  That was cool…let’s do it again…Step 1

11 Purpose: 1) Familiarize yourself with the CSLO rubrics Think of them as a resource 2) Effective teaching often involves discussion with colleagues. 3) Understand how grading and CSLO assessment can differ.

12  Get in groups of 3. Each group must include someone outside of your area.  Review the assignment and brochure.  Individually assess using the IT or EC rubric. › Window side: IT Door side: EC  Discuss the scores as a group and come to consensus.  Are the scores similar or not? Why or why not? Was this a good artifact for this CSLO?  If time, assess using the other rubric.

13  Questions or comments?  Contact: › Andrea Cooper, PhD   566-3373 School Reps: Janet Peterson-Humanities Gordon DeSpain-Math/Science Murdoch Maloney-Business Dean Patscheck-Energy Kerry Meier-T&T Amy Cooper-Health Sciences


15 1) Name one goal of assessment. 2) What are the 5 CSLOs? 3) Name one Classroom Level Assessment Technique. 4) T/F: When we ask for artifacts from faculty for CSLO assessment, we are also assessing the faculty member. 5) T/F: Action Plans and Reports should be done annually. 6) T/F: The Assessment Team assesses General Education too. 7) Name one way to win a prize at the end of the year Assessment Showcase.

16 1) Goals: Improve student learning, Improve teaching, Accreditation 2) CSLOs: Broad and Specialized Learning (BSL) Critical Thinking (CT) Cultural and Civic Engagement (CCE) Effective Communication (EC) Integrating Technologies (IT)

17 3) CATs: (Handout) 4) F: We are assessing the CLSOs not the course or faculty member. 5) T: Action Plans and Reports are due each Spring. (Handout) 6) T: Yes, we assess Gen Ed and CSLOs. 7) Prizes: Attend any assessment event, help with artifact readings, attend the end of the year Showcase, do awesome on this trivia quiz!

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