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Color Glass Condensate and UHECR physics Kazunori Itakura KEK, Japan Trondheim Background photo: “deformation of a polyethylene folio” by Zdenka.

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Presentation on theme: "Color Glass Condensate and UHECR physics Kazunori Itakura KEK, Japan Trondheim Background photo: “deformation of a polyethylene folio” by Zdenka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Glass Condensate and UHECR physics Kazunori Itakura KEK, Japan SOCoR @ Trondheim Background photo: “deformation of a polyethylene folio” by Zdenka Jenikova 2002

2 Contents What is the CGC, and why? Facts about the CGC Comparison with the existing EAS models Possible application of the CGC to CR physics

3 What is the CGC? Dense gluonic states in hadrons which universally appear in the high-energy limit of scattering Color … gluons have “colors” Glass … gluons with small longitudinal fractions ( x <<1) are created by long-lived partons that are distributed randomly on the transverse disk Condensate … gluon density is very high, and saturated Most advanced (and still developing) theoretical picture of high energy scattering in QCD Based on QCD (weak coupling due to Qs >>  QCD, but non-perturbative ) Unitarity effects (multiple scattering, nonlinear effects) LO description completed around 2000 Color Glass Condensate (CGC) High energy

4 Why CGC? Indispensable for correct understanding of CR physics Primary collision  proton-Air collision at extremely large energy A1 A2 Forward scattering  > 0  x 1 is large ~ 1 (valence) but x 2 is extremely small projectile (proton/nucleus) target (light nucleus) x 1, x 2 : longitudinal momentum fractions p t : transverse momentum of produced hadrons  : rapidity  > 0 forward direction Cf: the smallest value in colliders x ~10 -6 (HERA)

5 Do we really need hard physics? Example: typical “mini-jet” models increase of cross section is explained by increasing hard (mini-jet) contributions pp, ppbar charged particle multiplicity pp, ppbar total cross sections X.N.Wang, Phys. Rep. 280 (1997) 287 A.Achilli, et al. PLB659 (2008) 137 Unitary, but no effects of “true” saturation/CGC (coherent scattering) eikonalization = sum of multiple independent scattering we expect hard (and semi-hard) components are important hard contr.

6 Proton composition changes with energy Q 2 : transverse resolution x : longitudinal fraction 1/Q 1/xP + ** transverse longitudinal partons longitudinal fraction x  higher energies Gluons (must be multiplied by 20) Deep inelastic scattering (ep  eX) can probe quarks and gluons in a proton Gluons are the dominant component at high energy (small x)

7 Phase diagram of a proton as seen in DIS Nonperturbative region 1/x in log scale Q 2 in log scale Parton gas Color glass condensate Higher energies  Transverse resolution  DGLAP  QCD 2 BFKL BK Gluon density high low Multiple gluon emissions Recombination of gluons unitarity Parton number increases, but density decreases Saturation scale Q s (x) Qs -1 is typical transverse size. Q S 2 (x) ~ 1/x increases ( x  0)  s (Q S 2 ) << 1 weak coupling

8 Facts about the CGC 2009 Nonlinear evolution equations (govern energy dependence of Xsecs) LO (  s ln 1/x) n : Balitsky-Kovchegov equation (1996) NLO  s (  s ln 1/x) n : completed by Balitsky and Chirilli (2008)  running coupling effects (necessary for “long” evolution from low to high energies) Dipole scatt. amp

9 Facts about the CGC 2009 Saturation scale depends on rapidity (y=ln 1/x) and atomic mass number A Can be determined by LINEAR evolution equations (LO, resummed NLO BFKL ) Fixed coupling Qs grows exponentially and works at HERA and RHIC energies Exponent is consistent with resummed NLO BFKL (2003) but should be taken over by running coupling Qs showing milder growth Evidences in collider experiments (HERA, RHIC) Geometric scaling (ep & eA DIS, diffractive DIS)  existence of Qs 2001 ~ 2006 extends outside of the saturation regime k t < Q s 2 /  QCD  new wide window “extended scaling regime” (Iancu-KI-McLerran,2003) Suppression of particle production at forward rapidity in dAu collision (RHIC 2004) Enhancement (Cronin effect) at mid-rapidity can also be understood.

10 Geometric Scaling DIS (ep, eA) cross sections scale with Q 2 /Qs 2 Stasto, Golec-Biernat, Kwiecinski Freund, Rummukainen, Weigert, Schafer Marquet, Schoeffel PRL 86 (2001) 596 PRL 90 (2003) 222002 Phys. Lett. B639 (2006) 471  *p total Q2/Qs2(x)Q2/Qs2(x)Q 2 /Q s 2 (x,A) Q2/Qs2(xP)Q2/Qs2(xP) Existence of saturation scale Qs Can determine x and A dependences of Qs Extends outside of the saturation regime k t < Q s 2 /  QCD epeADiffractive ep

11 Correct recognition for the importance of saturation How about existing EAS models? T. Stanev, “High Energy Cosmic Rays” (2004), p208 When the parton density (at low x values and high energy) reaches a very high value, the individual partons cannot see each other and thus interact; they are obscured by intervening particles. This is obvious in the simple geometrical definition of a cross-section, but certainly also happens in the real world. But, in Sibyll, particles below the cutoff (p < p min ) are absorbed into soft part and in QGSJETII, only soft Pomeron interactions were included.  “semi-hard” contributions (  QCD <p t < Qs) are missing!!  main part of the CGC physics Existing models are supposed to include “effects of saturation” Sibyll 2.x : hard part is given by mini-jet model with an “energy dependent” cutoff similar to Qs( x ) with running coupling ( x~1/s ) QGSJET II: Pomeron-pomeron interaction (nonlinear effects) kt2kt2 dN/dk t 2 1/k t 2

12 So, what should be done? kt2kt2 dN/dk t 2 Non-perturbative (Regge) Q2Q2 Parton gas Extended scaling regime CGC Higher energies  Transverse resolution   QCD 2 Q S 4 (x)/  QCD 2 1/x QS2(x)QS2(x) QS2(x)QS2(x) Q S 4 (x)/  QCD 2  QCD 2 CGC scaling regime pQCD (minijet) Most of gluons have momenta around Qs !!  Need to include “CGC+scaling regime” in between soft (Regge) and hard (minijet)

13 Some attempts Modification of the minijet model F.Carvalho, et al. arXiv:0705.1842v1 Use IIM (Iancu-Itakura-Munier) parametrization Problems matching procedure (dijet vs monojet) impact parameter dependence (black disk expansion) running coupling effects (included in v2)  M.F.Cheung, C.Chiu, and K.Itakura, work in progress BBL model H.Drescher, A.Dumitru, and M.Strikman, PRL 94 (2005) 231801. use a simple model to calculate cross section - McLerran-Venugopalan model for quark scattering - kt factorized cross section for gluon production too naïve application of CGC (no impact parameter dep. etc)  need improvement

14 Problems still to be clarified Impact parameter dependence Not precisely known (non-perturbative)  high energy behavior of cross section # A simple “assumption” eg: exp{ –b/2m  } leads to (Ferreiro,Iancu,KI,McLerran,2002) (dipole-CGC scattering) consistent with the Froissart bound # Still need to put IR regulator for the gluon propagators # Can be (somewhat) determined from d  /dt, scaling with Qs(y,A,b)? Energy conservation # BFKL pomeron is not energy conserved.  problem for realistic simulation  Need to include the effects of energy conservation (Avsar et al. 2005) black disk expansion

15 Summary High energy hadron scattering is described by the “Color Glass Condensate (CGC)” which is a dense gluonic state. Its theoretical framework is established up to “leading-order” except for the impact parameter dependence which includes non-perturbative physics. “Next-leading-order” analysis has just started. The kinematical region for the CGC expands with increasing energy, and thus we naively expect the CGC will be important at CR energies. Why don’t you consider the CGC in CR physics?

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