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Meeting of the AGNA on the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts, in Addis Ababa African Development Bank Capacity Building for National.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting of the AGNA on the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts, in Addis Ababa African Development Bank Capacity Building for National."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting of the AGNA on the Implementation of the 2008 System of National Accounts, in Addis Ababa African Development Bank Capacity Building for National Accounts Statistics Stephen Bahemuka Senior Regional Statistician East Africa Resource Centre – Nairobi –Kenya – May 11 -15, 2015

2 Outline Introduction Role of Statistics Department Statistics in Support of the Bank’s Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022 AfDB Statistical Capacity Building Strategic Areas The Role of AfDB in the African Project

3 Introduction ‘ Knowledge management is applying the collective knowledge and abilities of the entire work force to achieve specific organizational objectives’ How do Statistics fit in? Statistics are a key knowledge product Statistical sources are seen as one among many information sources Reliability of data becomes more important Development of indicators and performance measures.

4 Role of the Statistics Department How does Statistics Department of the Bank contribute to Knowledge management?  Develop and manage statistical systems needed to support the operational work of the Bank Group and its development research activities (Country Strategic Papers, M&E, Bank Policy documents, data for senior management, etc.)  Generation of Knowledge products  Bank Group’s official statistical publications and studies & briefs;  Provide the data requirements and statistical analysis for flagship publications of the Bank (Annual Report, African Economic Outlook, African Development Report….  Web dissemination of development data and knowledge products (Africa Information Highway)

5 Role of the Statistics Department (con’d)  Produce a number of handbooks and manuals to guide statistical development in RMCs (business registers, infrastructure statistics, ICP, Agriculture, etc.)  Statistical Capacity Building Contribute to the development of statistical systems in regional member countries, build statistical capacity and provide technical assistance and modest financial support.  Coordination Role at Regional level together with ECA and AUC (RRSF, SHaSA, etc)  Gathering and harmonisation of regional statistical data are key to international comparative analysis and measuring progress in Africa. AfDB is involved in a number of regional initiatives on the continent (ICP, AIKP, CRVS, HCPI, AFMI, Agric & food security)

6 Two objectives to support transformation Inclusive growth Five core operational priorities Three areas of special emphasis Gradual transition to green growth Inclusive growth indicators surveys Gender Statistics MDGs, Poverty PPPs, Population Censuses, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Environment & climate change statistics Food security & agricultural statistics Green growth indicators Fragile states Agriculture & food security 1. Infrastructure statistics (AIDI, AIKP) 2. Regional integration indicators (Harmonized CPI, PPPs, Trade statistics, AIKP, AIDI) 3. Private sector development (Africa Information Highway, Labor statistics, Business registers, AIKP, AIDI) 4. Governance & accountability (Africa Information Highway/Open data, Governance statistics) 5. Skills & technology (Labor statistics, EMIS) Gender Enhanced Technical assistance & financial support Food security, agriculture, environment & climate change statistics Gender statistics, Statistics on Asset ownership and control Statistics in Support of the Bank’s Ten Year Strategy 2013-2022

7 Statistical Capacity Building Strategic Areas Core  Open Data Platform & High Way information system  Action Plan for Africa -Agriculture Statistics  Infrastructure  Harmonized Consumer Price Index  National Strategies for Development of Statistics (NSDS)  Labour Statistics  Statistical Business Register  National Accounts  Integration of the ICP/CPI/HCPI Others  Governance  Poverty  Gender  CRVS  South-South cooperation including of peer review mechanisms  Support to STCs  Support to SROs  Country-Driven Technical assistance Criteria: Selectivity & focus; Priority areas; comparative advantage, flexibility Governance

8 African Project –Implementation of 2008 SNA The role of AfDB in African Project  Provide Technical Assistance to countries lagging behind in the SNA implementation  Conduct Training Workshops on National Accounts  Establish South –South Cooperation arrangement (s).  ‘Other’

9 The African Project -Implementation of 2008 SNA What is the AfDB doing for the 2008 SNA Implementations?  Conducting training workshop for 2008 SNA in collaboration with Sub regions/RECs  Funding National Accounts Experts Peer Review Missions to Countries on Request e.g. Kenya, Zambia, Nigeria,etc.  Funding international national accounts consultants specific technical assistance missions to countries e.g. Uganda, Seychelles, etc.  Participating in the African Project Meeting, at Regional and Sub regional Levels.

10 The African Project -Implementation of 2008 SNA The Way Forward for the 2008 SNA Implementation  There is need for Mobilizing Additional Technical and Financial Resource, at National, Regional and International Levels  Technical Assistance to Countries Should be Guided by “The Current Status and Needs Assessment for Implementation of 2008 SNA Report”  There is need for a Poll of National Accounts Expert to Provide the required Technical Support for the Countries.

11 Thank you

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