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Religion in India Hinduism and the Caste System. Caste System The caste system is a social system in India in which society is divided into groups based.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion in India Hinduism and the Caste System. Caste System The caste system is a social system in India in which society is divided into groups based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion in India Hinduism and the Caste System

2 Caste System The caste system is a social system in India in which society is divided into groups based on perceived purity in Hinduism.

3 4 Main Castes People are born into their caste and cannot “move up or down” to different castes in this lifetime. Must do your dharma to earn good karma.

4 Caste System Hierarchy There are 5 castes in the hierarchy. Less people are at the top and more are at the bottom. Brahmin Kshatriya Vaishya Sudra Untouchables

5 Brahmin Priests and professionals Assigned studying and teaching others the Vedas (Hindu holy books)

6 Kshatriya Politicians, administrators, military Commanded to serve and protect

7 Vaishya Merchants and peasant-farmers Assigned to trade and to cultivate the land

8 Sudra Carpenters, plumbers, tailors, blacksmiths, artisans Individuals with physical strength and special skills that provide services for others

9 Untouchables Do the dirtiest jobs in society and serve all others

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