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Primary 1 / 2 Reading Evening

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1 Primary 1 / 2 Reading Evening
Lhanbryde Primary School

2 Plan for Evening Welcome and introductions
Presentation: How do children learn to read? Leaflets – ort, jolly phonics, understanding reading, activities to help early reading skills Three Group Workshops (20 mins each) * Mrs Milligan-Reading lesson using ORT * Mrs Milne- Reading Games * Mrs Morris- Identifying reading difficulties and supporting these Tea, coffee and questions with a chance to browse reading materials

3 To look at and understand, to say aloud written/ printed words.
What is reading? To look at and understand, to say aloud written/ printed words.

4 Reading is one of the most important skills your child will learn in their early years at school.

5 Literacy and English Talking and listening
Recognising and writing letters and words Asking questions Feelings about text Writing/drawing stories Learning to read Forming letters Blending letters to make words

6 5 basic skills for teaching reading and writing are:
Learning the letters sounds Learning the letter formation Blending Identifying sounds in words Spelling the tricky words Although the skills are covered separately, they will all be taught at the same time in school

7 How do we teach these skills at school?
Jolly Phonics -method of teaching the letter sounds in a way that is fun and multi sensory. Children use the letter sounds to read words ORT – The main reading scheme that we have in school to support children in P.1-3 with reading skills. It includes fiction and non fiction books. There are also books based on rhyme and poetry books.

8 Jolly Phonics Learning letter sounds
Teaches the 42 main sounds of English, not just the alphabet. Sounds taught in 7 groups Each sound has an action which helps children remember the letters Letters are learned by their sound- not their name! This helps blending. Sound books taken home Puppets and songs

9 Pencil grip- tripod grip Correct formation is important – o, d, m
Learning letter formation Pencil grip- tripod grip Correct formation is important – o, d, m Work sheets and home sheets White boards, paper, laminated boards, in the air Jolly phonics stories and dvd Joined up writing – exit strokes- d. n

10 Blending letters together (process of saying individual sounds together in a word and then running them together to make the word) d-o-g it is difficult to start but improves with practice Some sounds are represented by 2 letters- digraphs ai so r-ai-n St is not a digraph- can hear 2 sounds encourage this as one unit when sounding out fl- a g this encourages greater fluency Tricky words- irregular spelling- said, was, one- and they are common words Games, magnets, activity sheets

11 Identifying sounds in words
Listening for sounds in words I spy- initial sound Listen for end sounds Listen for middle sounds- the hardest to hear 3 letter words to start Tap sounds -3 taps 3 sounds h- o-t careful with f-i-sh

12 Spelling- look, cover, write and check
Spelling tricky words Look and say Spelling- look, cover, write and check Say it as it sounds- was- “wass as in mass” Monday- M-on-day Mneumonics the initial word in saying gives spelling- Laugh At Ugly Goats Hair Joined up writing will improve spelling

13 ORT reading scheme Try to find a quiet 10 mins every day
The more you read stories, the more confident your child will feel Picture books-first words-patterned stories-sentences (may read all or some) Praise and encouragement Important to progress at their own pace Each stage builds on and extends the reading skills and words TV, games, and worksheets Home- tv, magazine, M and S-workbooks and toys and read at home books.

14 Reading Comprehension (understanding in reading)
Predicting Clarifying Questioning Summarising Good readers will use these strategies all the time Taught in school during reading group time Improves understanding of what they are reading Can be used at home

15 Predicting- before reading ask what they think the story is about-explain reasons. Predict at exciting points in the story Clarifying-After reading- what words are they unsure of – can they work out what they mean.(picture clues, reading parts of story) Questioning-Take turns to pose and answer questions-(fat and skinny) Summarising – ask your child to summarise what they have read in a few sentences.


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