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Mechanisms of Genetics

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1 Mechanisms of Genetics
Reporting Category 2 Mechanisms of Genetics Station 7 Components of DNA

2 Essential Question- Bell Ringer
How does the structure of DNA make it possible for traits to be passed on from one generation to another? The nucleotide bases that are paired on a DNA strand are complementary to each other. When the DNA molecule unzips and unwinds during DNA synthesis, the exposed strand of bases serves as a template for a new duplicate. The duplicate strand, when bonded to the old strand, makes a precise copy of the original DNA molecule. 2

3 Pre- Review Question What makes up the backbone of a DNA molecule? Phosphate group and deoxyribose sugar

4 What are the four bases of the DNA molecule?
Adenine, Thymine, Guanine And Cytosine

5 What holds a DNA molecule
Together? Weak hydrogen bonds

6 Lab Activities You will now go to the lab and complete the activities for today’s topic.

7 Station 7. I need to remember………
DNA molecules contain four nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. Two bases—adenine and guanine—are called purines. Two bases—thymine and cytosine—are called pyrimidines. Genes are pieces of DNA that pass traits to offspring. Nucleotides are made up of a sugar, a phosphate group, a base, held together by hydrogen bonds. The amounts of adenine and thymine found in DNA are equal. DNA molecules are made up of a double helix containing two strands. Weak hydrogen bonds hold the DNA molecule together. DNA is found in all living organisms. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is referred to as the “blueprint of life” because it contains all the information in a living organism.

8 Post Review Questions No Can you find the nitrogen base Uracil in a
DNA molecule? No 2. What does Adenine pair with? Thymine 3. How many strands does a DNA molecule have? 2

9 Post Review Questions 5. List the 3 parts of a nucleotide
4. What is the shape of the DNA molecule called? Double helix 5. List the 3 parts of a nucleotide Sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogen base

10 Take 5 Minutes to draw a DNA molecule using the
correct shape of the sugar and include all 4 nitrogen bases.

11 DNA molecule

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