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Prenatal Development (before birth). Prenatal Development The process of growth and development within the womb, in which a single-cell zygote (the cell.

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Presentation on theme: "Prenatal Development (before birth). Prenatal Development The process of growth and development within the womb, in which a single-cell zygote (the cell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prenatal Development (before birth)

2 Prenatal Development The process of growth and development within the womb, in which a single-cell zygote (the cell formed by the combination of a sperm and an egg) becomes an embryo, a fetus, and then a baby.

3 Conception AKA: fertilization When the ovum and sperm unite Occurs in the fallopian tube 2-3 days after egg is released

4 Make Room For Baby, Interactive Click on image for video

5 Human Gestation 37-42 weeks 266 days from conception Trimesters – Each 3-Month Period of Pregnancy: 1 st Trimester – Months 1,2,3 2 nd Trimester – Months 4,5,6 3 rd Trimester – Months 7,8,9

6 Zygote The 1 st Stage of Development (The Germinal Stage)

7 Zygote The unborn for the first 2 weeks; size of a pinhead Travels down fallopian tube & attaches to uterus (implantation)


9 Prenatal Models of Embryo and Fetus

10 Museum of Science & Industry A collection of 24 human embryos and fetuses 28 days to 38 weeks Originally donated to the Museum in 1939 Collected in the1930s by Dr. Helen Button All failed to survive because of accidents or natural causes Dr. Button obtained the parents’ permission to use these specimens as teaching tools.

11 Embryo The 2 nd Stage of Development

12 Embryo The unborn from weeks 3-8 By the end of the 8 th week, all organs are present

13 Changes During Embryo Period Amniotic Sac forms & fills with fluid Placenta develops Umbilical Cord develops

14 Amniotic Sac Forms around the embryo & fills with amniotic fluid

15 Amniotic Fluid Protects and cushions the unborn Water, urine, skin cells Clear to light yellow

16 Placenta Develops Rich in blood vessels; Provides food and oxygen Attached to the uterus

17 Umbilical Cord Connects the embryo to the placenta Food and oxygen travel in Waste travels out

18 Fetus The 3 rd Stage of Development

19 The Fetal Stage - Fetus The unborn from the 8 th week until birth Gains weight and acquires disease-fighting immunities

20 Quickening 4 th -5 th Month - Movements of the fetus can be felt by the mother

21 Fetal Position Fetus curls up because there is no more room to stretch out

22 Lightening 9 th month - Fetus shifts down toward the birth canal The mother feels more comfortable in the upper abdomen

23 Miscarriage The developing embryo or fetus dies before 20 weeks of pregnancy As many as 15% of all recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage

24 Stillbirth The developing fetus dies after 20 weeks of pregnancy About 2% of all pregnancies end in a stillbirth


26 How Big is the Baby Week by Week Size comparison Click on image for link

27 Development Week by Week Video Clips Weeks 1-9 Weeks 10-14 Weeks 15-20 Weeks 21-27 Weeks 28-37 Labor and Birth

28 Prenatal Assignment: Prenatal Development Posters Directions: Individually, you will be assigned a developmental month. You are to research information and then create an informational poster for that month. You must have the following: Size of baby (length & weight & comparison) At least 5 facts about the baby’s development At least 5 facts about what is changing with the mother At least 3 relevant graphics/pictures Choose FACTS that would be MOST helpful for a new mother to learn about the changes she will be experiencing as well as how her baby is developing

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