Psalm 95 Verses 1-5 Sung to: BRADFORD “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Trinity Psalter CCLI #977558 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 95 Verses 1-5 Sung to: BRADFORD “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Trinity Psalter CCLI #977558 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 95 Verses 1-5 Sung to: BRADFORD “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Trinity Psalter CCLI #977558 1

2 O come and to Jehovah sing; Let us our voices raise; In joyful songs let us the Rock Of our salvation praise. 2

3 Before His presence let us come With praise and thankful voice; Let us sing psalms to Him with grace; With shouts let us rejoice. 3

4 The Lord’s a mighty God and King; Above all gods He is. The depths of earth are in His hand; The mountain peaks are His. 4

5 To Him the spacious sea belongs; ‘Twas made by His command; And by the working of His hands He formed the rising land. 5

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7 Psalm 95 Verses 6-11 Sung to: BRADFORD “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” Trinity Psalter CCLI #977558 7

8 O come and let us worship Him; Let us with one accord In presence of our Maker kneel, And bow before the Lord. 8

9 Because He only is our God, And we His chosen sheep, The people of His pasturage, Whom His own hand will keep. 9

10 Today if you will hear His voice, Then harden not your heart; Strive not as those at Meribah, Nor Massah’s testing start. 10

11 Your fathers tried and tempted Me, Though they My work perceived; And with that generation I For forty years was grieved. 11

12 I said, “They have a wand’ring heart, And they My ways detest.” In wrath I swore they should not come Into My promised rest. 12

13 CCLI 977558 13

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