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DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Inherited from your parents Genetic material Determines an organism’s traits.

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2 DNA = Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Inherited from your parents Genetic material Determines an organism’s traits

3 Double Helix --> twisted ladder Made of nucleotides (building blocks of DNA) Nucleotides have three parts: 1. Deoxyribose sugar unit (Side) 2. Phosphate group (Side) 3. Nitrogenous base (Rungs)

4 1. Adenine (A) 2. Thymine (T) 3. Cytosine (C) 4. Guanine (G) Always in pairs to form rungs of a ladder A with T & G with C Ladders can UNZIP! Like a ZIPPER! (important in DNA Replication)


6 All organisms: are composed of different proteins have DNA made up of the same 4 nucleotides. So… how can organisms be different if their genetic material is made of the same 4 nucleotides?????

7 By the way the nucleotides are sequenced in DNA Example: A-C-C-T-T-G vs. G-G-C-T-A-T.  (Like the words STREAM and MASTER – both have same letters, BUT different arrangement and meaning) If one tiny mistake occurs in one pair-- > a particular protein will not be made

8 Organisms with very similar sequences are very closely related Example: the chimpanzee and gorilla

9  Nucleus of cells  Makes up the chromosomes

10  Long strands of DNA  Each one contains many genes  Homologous pairs  2 chromosomes that look similar & have the same genes Humans = 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) 22 homologous pairs 2 sex chromosomes (Male =XY, Female = XX)

11 Picture of an individual’s chromosome

12 A cell sample is taken & chromosomes are photographed Homologous pairs are matched up Normal Karyotype: 46 chromosomes (22 homologous, 2 sex chromosomes) Can detect chromosomal abnormalities in fetus by amniocentesis Missing, extra, or broken chromosomes

13 Can you see the extra chromosome?....... This one shows an extra chromosome #21 – called trisomy 21. A person with this karyotype has Down’s Syndrome.

14 Chromosome: made of many genes Gene: DNA sequence that codes for a trait Allele: alternate form of a gene Examples: eye color gene has blue, brown, green alleles

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