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Incoming Solar Energy What affects the amount of incoming solar energy?

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Presentation on theme: "Incoming Solar Energy What affects the amount of incoming solar energy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Incoming Solar Energy What affects the amount of incoming solar energy?

2 Incoming Solar Energy What affects the amount of radiation reflected by the atmosphere?

3 Incoming Solar Energy

4 What affects the amount of radiation reflected by the surface of the Earth? What happens to the rest of the incoming radiation?

5 Outgoing Energy

6 What are the ‘Greenhouse Gases’?

7 Outgoing Energy What is the ‘Greenhouse Effect’?

8 Outgoing Energy What other heat transfer processes might operate in the atmosphere?

9 Figure adapted from Kiehl & Trenberth, 1997 1.What is the net energy at the top of the atmosphere? 2.What is the net energy of the centre of the atmosphere? 3.What is the net energy of the surface of the Earth? 4.What will happen if the amount of energy absorbed by the atmosphere changes?

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