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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES subjunctive mood. TYPES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND THEIR USE Time reality presentpastfuture realzerofirst unrealsecondthirdsecond.

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Presentation on theme: "CONDITIONAL SENTENCES subjunctive mood. TYPES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND THEIR USE Time reality presentpastfuture realzerofirst unrealsecondthirdsecond."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES subjunctive mood

2 TYPES OF CONDITIONAL SENTENCES AND THEIR USE Time reality presentpastfuture realzerofirst unrealsecondthirdsecond

3 ZERO CONDITIONALS are used to describe are used to describe rules and situations where one event always follows the other If you don't eat anything for 5 months, you die of hunger. (if you do A, B will surely happen in any case) NB: IF = WHEN

4 ZERO CONDITIONALS FORMATION (IF + Present Simple) (, Present Simple) If it does, it does If you want to study a foreign language, you have to learn new words by heart.

5 FIRST CONDITIONALS are used to express are used to express “real future”: something that will happen in the future if something else happens If you finish your homework early, we will go for a walk. (it's possible that you will finish your homework early, and in this case we will go for a walk)

6 FIRST CONDITIONALS FORMATION (If + Present Simple) (, Future Simple) If it does, it will do If the weather is fine in the evening, we will go for a walk NB: although both parts refer to the future, we don't use Future Simple after if

7 SECOND CONDITIONALS are used to express:  unlikely, imagined or impossible events in the future If I had enough money, I would buy this car. (but I don't have that much money)  impossible present situations If the weather was fine today, we would go for a walk. (but it is not fine, and so we don't go for a walk)

8 SECOND CONDITIONALS FORMATION (If + Past Simple) (, would + Infinitive) If it did, it would do If he did his homework, we would watch a video. NB: one of the most popular patterns is If I were you/him/her/my teacher etc.

9 THIRD CONDITIONALS are used to express: are used to express: unreal situations in the past and to imagine things that did not happen If Jane had known about the danger, she would have warned me (but she didn't know and therefore didn't warn me)

10 THIRD CONDITIONALS FORMATION (If + Past Perfect) (, would +Present Perfect) If it had done, it would have done If Fleming had not discovered penicillin, a lot of people would have died.

11 THE MOST IMPORTANT NOTE Conditional sentences consist of the two parts: the condition (If…) and the result (the part without if). W WW We can change places of the two parts of any Conditional sentence.

12 EXAMPLES (If you don't eat anything for 5 months)(, you die of hunger.) = ( You die of hunger) (,if you don't eat anything for 5 months) (If the weather is fine in the evening) (, we will go for a walk) = ( We will go for a walk) (,if the weather is fine in the evening) (If he did his homework) (, we would watch a video) = (We would watch a video) (,if he did his homework) (If Fleming had not discovered penicillin) (, a lot of people would have died). = (A lot of people would have died) (,if Fleming had not discovered penicillin).

13 FINISH THE SENTENCES: 1.If you eat a lot of chips,... 2.I would not drink too much alcohol,... 3.If your tooth hurts,... 4.If you need some money,... 5.If you wanted to do well at school, … 6.If I wanted to make a lot of money, … 7.I would not offend your Mum … 8.You get bored … 9.If you want to be invited to lots of parties, … 10.If you wanted to lose weight,... 11. If you would have broken that mirror,... 12. If you walk under a ladder,... 13.I would lose my job, … 14.I wouldn't have met John... 15.If I had studied more at school … 16.I would have told you the truth …

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