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Hanukkah Or Chanukkah. Hanukkah or chanukkah is an 8 day Jewish Festival commemorating the rededication of the 2nd temple in Jerusalem.

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Presentation on theme: "Hanukkah Or Chanukkah. Hanukkah or chanukkah is an 8 day Jewish Festival commemorating the rededication of the 2nd temple in Jerusalem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hanukkah Or Chanukkah

2 Hanukkah or chanukkah is an 8 day Jewish Festival commemorating the rededication of the 2nd temple in Jerusalem.

3 It’s also Known as Festival of Lights, as it is abserved by the Kindling of the lights of a special candelabrum the Menorah or Hanukiah.

4 The festival is celebrated for 8 days, one light is lit on each night of the holiday.

5 Blessings are recited and the ancient chant Hanerot Hallalu is traditionally sung. Some rituals are family- based, and others are communal

6 There are special additions to the daily prayer service, and a section is addet to the blessing ofter meals

7 One this day families exchange gifts each night, and fried foods are eaten

8 Dairy food are aften eaten on the day Hanukkah remind us of the story of the Yehudit (Juduth)

9 Hanukkah is celebrated in Israel, United States, and other countries which have jewishpopolations

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