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Good Morning; Today, we will learn about one of the most famous artists of the 20 th Century. He had new and unusual ideas! Then, you will also try an.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning; Today, we will learn about one of the most famous artists of the 20 th Century. He had new and unusual ideas! Then, you will also try an."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning; Today, we will learn about one of the most famous artists of the 20 th Century. He had new and unusual ideas! Then, you will also try an artwork inspired by the new ideas of this famous artist… Pablo Picasso.

2 Pablo Picasso His full name = Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso

3 One of the greatest artists of the 20 th Century!

4 Self-Portrait by Pablo Picasso; 1896. Pablo Picasso Born in Spain in on Oct. 25, 1881 He loved to draw and paint. His first word was “Piz”, which is Spanish for “Pencil”. His dad was an art teacher Lived to be 92 years old & created over 20,000 art objects in his life!

5 Pablo Picasso Picasso drew this pastel portrait of his mother when he was 15 years old! Maria Picasso Lopez, the Artist’s Mother, 1896; Pastel on Paper

6 Cubism – Dare to be Square! Portrait of Ambroise Vollard by Pablo Picasso; 1909 The Three Musicians by Pablo Picasso; 1921


8 Self-Portrait by Pablo Picasso; 1907

9 Weeping Woman by Pablo Picasso

10 Tete d’Une Femme Lisant by Pablo Picasso

11 Girl Reading by Pablo Picasso

12 Inspired by Picasso See things DIFFERENTLY! Use your imaginations to create something NEW! Vocabulary: Portrait or Self-Portrait Profile view Frontal view Facial Features

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