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Unit Plan: Frontier Life in Colonial Times By: Sheri Saunders.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Plan: Frontier Life in Colonial Times By: Sheri Saunders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Plan: Frontier Life in Colonial Times By: Sheri Saunders

2 What Will Be Covered in the Unit Food Clothing Religion Traditions Challenges faced by colonists Changes in native American lives

3 Fourth Grade Students Know idea webs Know how to represent information graphically Know how to use internet to research topics Previously read: Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemmison Variety of Materials

4 Objectives SS.4.1.1 work independently and cooperatively to accomplish goals SS.4.4.6 analyze and compare the effects of geographic factors upon people’s jobs, food, clothing, shelter, services, and interaction with the outside world. SS.4.5.13 compare and contrast the cultures of the colonists and Native Americans and describe the changes that occurred when they came into contact with one another. SS.4.1.4 describe forms of diversity in early American society, giving examples of the strengths/contributions of each (e.g. indentured servants, slaves, colonists, plantation owners, Native Americans, merchants) TEC.4.3.1 use a word processing program to create and format a document (e.g., paragraph, tabs, justification, margins) and review cut and paste, spell check, and text formatting.

5 Materials Needed Copy of Indian captive: the story of Mary Jemison for each student Notebook paper, notebooks, pencils, poster boards Prepared green beans, peas, squash, pumpkin, corn, and venison jerky Raw potatoes, blackberries, pawpaws, apples, Samples of clothing people would have worn Internet access Intersecting circles and columns handouts Room for small groups and dramatization Web bulletin board

6 Websites Used Deerfield Colonial Kids Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature The Peopling of America

7 Teacher Introduces Thematic Unit on Native Americans and early settlers Students draw and fill in K &W of a KWL chart Students sample foods Students fill out intersecting circles handout with what group would eat what food Day 1Day 2

8 Students observe samples of clothing worn by both groups in the classroom and on the Colonial Kids Website. Students fill out intersecting circles chart. Students research religions of Native Americans and settlers using the Carol Hurst Website. Students fill in column chart. Students write a brief paragraph about most interesting point. Day 3Day 4

9 Students research traditions, entertainment, or school life using the Colonial Kids website. Group poster board presentation. Large and small group discussion about relations between Native Americans and settlers. Based on book and Raid on Deerfield Website. Day 5Day 6

10 Small group discussion continued. Research relations using Deerfield and the Peopling of America websites. What could have happened drama and reflection on problem solving approaches. Students work individually with bulletin board. Finish L of KWL chart. Type a paragraph about what they most wanted to learn about and what they learned about it. Day 7Day 8

11 Require Learner Participation Group work Various projects Everyone has a chance to use their unique abilities

12 Evaluate and Revise Group projects Individual projects Filling out information sheets Observe groups to be sure they are on task Look at products created by the students within the lesson.

13 KWL Chart KnowWant to Know Learned

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