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Work with your team to answer some questions about malaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Work with your team to answer some questions about malaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work with your team to answer some questions about malaria

2 PreventionGeneral Malaria Science Testing and Treatment 100 200 300 400

3 Q: What is the best way to protect yourself from malaria? A: Sleeping under your mosquito net home

4 Q: Where can you go to find a new mosquito net? A: the health center home

5 Q: What is an LLIN? A: Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net home

6 Q: What is IRS? A: Indoor Residual Spraying home

7 Q: What percentage of people in Rwanda are at risk of malaria? A: 100% home

8 Q: True or False- It is not possible to eliminate malaria. A: False home

9 Q: Name three high- risk groups for malaria A: Children under 5 years, pregnant women, people living with HIV/AIDS home

10 Q: What district in Rwanda has the most cases of malaria? A: Kirehe home

11 Q: What animal transmits the malaria parasite? A: female anopheles mosquitoes home

12 Q: What is the name of the parasite that causes malaria? A: Plasmodium spp. home

13 Q: Name three symptoms of malaria? A: headache, fever, chills, vomiting, body ache, fatigue home

14 Q: Where do mosquitoes lay their eggs? A: In stagnant water home

15 Q: If you begin to show symptoms of malaria, when must you go to the health center? A: Immediately home

16 Q: Name two places where you can be tested for malaria. A: health centers, community health workers home

17 Q: When the doctor gives you medicine for malaria, for how many days must you take it? A: Until the medicine is finished home

18 Q: Name one way to test for malaria. A: microscopy, rapid diagnostic test home

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