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Edinburgh Connections Staff Placements for Curriculum Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Edinburgh Connections Staff Placements for Curriculum Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Edinburgh Connections Staff Placements for Curriculum Development

2 Pilot project supported by the HEA Strengthening university business engagement through staff secondments Placements for Curriculum Development

3 Provide industrial placements for academic and professional service staff. Increase understanding of employer engagement for curriculum design. Collect best practice / case studies Outcomes and impact of the projects to key stakeholders and inform future policy.

4 3 HEIs Aston University University of Edinburgh University of Nottingham

5 Open across the University to Staff involved with teaching. Micro-placement with an external host. Curriculum development. Non-prescribed.

6 Across disciplines :– Business Economics Biology Geosciences Across roles : – Programme directors Course organisers Administration teams Student development Employer engagement Community developers

7 Take homes: Redevelopment of student professional development courses. Co-creation of package of care for students work based experience. External host connections for future collaboration. The Melting Pot Skyscanner

8 Additional outcomes: External connections other than the host – HEIs. Placement team - Internal connections. Interest has expanded. The Melting Pot Skyscanner

9 Project learning: Practical experience to inform curriculum design Sharing good business practice Personal and professional development Businesses benefit Supports employer engagement, teaching and learning enhancement and student transitions. The Melting Pot Skyscanner

10 Thank you for Listening For further information on the HEA project Strengthening University Business Engagement Through Staff Secondments This work may be adapted from or based on previous work produced by the Institute for Academic Development University of Edinburgh Dr Frances Parry Institute for Academic Development University of Edinburgh IAD PGT pages : Blog Twitter: @iad4masters Contact: Rosemary Allford Workstreams Higher Education Academy

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