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Firm Foundations Lesson 43: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead Memory verse: John 11:25.

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1 Firm Foundations Lesson 43: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead Memory verse: John 11:25

2 Introduction ► Do you like to talk about death? ► Jesus talked about it! ► What Jesus said should change the way we talk about life and death!

3 Jesus waited until Lazarus died ► John 11:1-6 ► Jesus was a long way from Lazarus  On the other side of the Jordan  Knew that Lazarus would die ► Jesus had all power available  Could have healed Lazarus “remotely” ► Jesus waited  To show his power ► Jesus loved them!

4 Jesus went to raise Lazarus from the dead ► John 11:7-16  Disciples didn’t understand Jesus  Thought Jesus was going to let Jewish leaders kill Him so He could be with Lazarus

5 Jesus is the resurrection and the life ► John 11:17-22  Martha believed  …believed God would do whatever Jesus asked ► John 11:23-24  Believed in the resurrection  Didn’t understand what Jesus was saying ► John 11:25  The only one who gives life ► John 11:25-26  Thos who believe in Jesus are never separated from God ► John 11:27  Most didn’t truly believe in Jesus  Martha truly believed and trusted in Jesus

6 Jesus went to Lazarus’ tomb ► John 11:28-38 ► Why did Jesus weep? ► God is grieved over sin  Causes sickness & death  Inherited from Adam

7 Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead ► John 11:39-44 ► Jesus is God  No one like Him  With God in the beginning! ► Jesus stood at entrance  Commanded Lazarus to come out!  (Whatever Jesus says, happens!)  How do you think Mary and Martha felt?

8 Some believed, others refused ► John 11:45-48 ► Many believed ► Priests and pharisees were threatened  Wanted to keep their power and wealth  Worried that Jews would make Jesus king ► Romans wouldn’t like that ► Romans would take away Jewish leaders and replace them ► Priests and pharisees planned to kill Jesus  Satan was leading them

9 Conclusion ► Jesus said, “…I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” ► Jesus has the words of life ► John 3:16

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