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C LASS 3 All the “Other” Standards Please pick up a “clicker”

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Presentation on theme: "C LASS 3 All the “Other” Standards Please pick up a “clicker”"— Presentation transcript:

1 C LASS 3 All the “Other” Standards Please pick up a “clicker”

2 W ALK A WAY Comfortable with the steps of a science lab Seeing examples of good educational videos Knowing more about how culture, gender, and the brain play into learning science Prepared to experiment on one another next class

3 A GENDA Old business Parts of a Science Lab (PHEOC) (Standard C) How to teach: P H E O C Standards A and B techniques (including cool videos) Standards G and H techniques (including cool videos) Closing

4 L EFTOVERS FROM L AST W EEK Share favorite resources Fears and solutions Evaluation feedback Comments from discussions Annotated bibliographies back/ fixes/ using resources Understand standard D4 and D8. Dinner workshop on periodic table of elements. Eureka videos (differentiate- either a) watch or b) bookmark resources)DD8

5 P ARTS OF A S CIENCE L AB ( OR T HE S CIENTIFIC M ETHOD OR S TANDARD C- S CIENCE I NQUIRY ) 5 Main Parts P- Problem (or question) H- Hypothesis E- Experiment (includes materials and procedure) O- Observations (or data) C- Conclusion Why is this a part of being scientifically literate?

6 T EACHING P Early Elementary: List questions about the world Middle Elementary: List questions where YOU could find the answer. Late- Middle School: List questions that fit the following format “How does changing __________ change ____________?” These are the independent and dependant variables respectively. Great website- (check out wizard) Important because: nature of science- provides a starting point and a focus.

7 T EACHING H Early Elementary: Anytime you work on prediction. Middle Elementary: Make an “educated guess” about the answer to your questions. Late- Middle School: Practice predicting answers to your questions. I use the format “I think ______ because _____” WHY IT MATTERS: Prediction skills are vital in life. It acknowledges your bias and focuses your research

8 T EACHING E Jelly sandwich lab (do) Lessons.... How to adapt to different levels…. Important because Technical Writing Guides process Should be driven by student Gives a reference to the level of specifics you need

9 T EACHING O Early Elementary: Draw pictures of what you observe. Middle Elementary: Describe what you observe/ take measurements and fill them into a table. Late- Middle School: Create a table and collect measurements to test your question. Important because: teaches organization of information, helps to create and interpret graphs

10 T EACHING C Early Elementary: What did you learn? Middle Elementary: Summarize your learning. Was your hypothesis correct? Ask a new question that this makes you think of. Late- Middle School: Answers the questions: Restate the purpose of the experiment Summarize what they did in the experiment Summarize of what the data showed Whether or not their hypothesis was correct? AND WHY OR WHY NOT? A concluding sentence (or two) What they would change to repeat the research? Recommendations for future research? Important because: teaches summarization, the nature of science, and technical writing.

11 T ECHNIQUES FOR S TANDARD A AND B A- Science Connections When is science useful in your life? When is life useful in science? What does all of science have in common? B- Nature of Science Best story we have so far (see Eureka) Communal/ Collaborative (see stories/ biographies/ movies like And the Band Played On or anything about Nikola Tesla) Based on guess  test  revise guess  retest

12 A CHECK ON STANDARDS SO FAR A- Science Connections (we just talked about) B- Nature of Science (we just talked about) C- Science Inquiry (all the lab stuff we did today) D- Physical Science (last week) E- Earth and Space Science (next week) F- Life Science (week one) G- Science Applications (doing now) H- Science in Personal and Social Perspectives (doing now)

13 S TRATEGIES FOR S TANDARDS G AND H G- Science Applications Talk about science careers (Neil DeGrasse Tyson video and Pluto)videoPluto Talk about technology (good, bad, ugly) Work on design (try this with paper airplanes) Look at local and global problems (connect to technology) H- Science in Personal and Social Perspectives Evaluate media about these issues Plan a problem to a world issue/ science problem Talk about personal health and safety

14 G ENDER D IFFERENCES T O C ONSIDER Sight Sound Problem Solving Recommended Resources- Dr. Leonard Sax

15 C ULTURE D IFFERENCES TO C ONSIDER Giving directions Writing cause and effect Values and Science topics

16 B RAIN R ESEARCH R ESOURCES Teen brain Developmental levels Resources: Primal Teen

17 C LOSING Yikes, that was a lot… Questions? Worries – new, old, other? Discussion about next class Homework bookmark

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