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By: Thomas Morrison Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on the 16th or 17th of December in 1770. According to records Beethoven was never born! This.

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2 By: Thomas Morrison

3 Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on the 16th or 17th of December in 1770. According to records Beethoven was never born! This is the building Beethoven was born in.

4 Beethoven was baptized on December 17 th in 1770. He did not have a happy childhood. Beethoven’s father would not let him play the music in his head. Sometimes his father would come home late at night drunk and make him practice his music. Beethoven’s father, Johann Beethoven’s mother, Maria

5 Here are some of the things he composed... Nine symphonies Hundreds of sonatos And many concerts Some of Beethoven’s sheet music

6 Beethoven lost his hearing by the age of 31. He became furious when Napoleon became the emperor of France. He kept a love letter in his desk till his death.

7 “Only pure in heart can make good soup.” “Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eye’s of woman.” “Any one who tells a lie has not a pure heart and cannot make good soup.”

8 Beethoven died on March 26 th 1827 in Austria. The most likely cause of his death is lead poisoning from drinking to much cheep wine. Beethoven’s grave.

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