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Daniel Kull Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery The World Bank Group Natural Disaster Mitigation.

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Presentation on theme: "Daniel Kull Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery The World Bank Group Natural Disaster Mitigation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daniel Kull Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery The World Bank Group Natural Disaster Mitigation and Earth Observations: a GEOSS Perspective Geneva, 13 January, 2014 Open Data at the World Bank

2 Introduction to the World Bank Group Financial support and technical assistance for developing countries Bank financing - country implementation - demand driven Financing for projects, knowledge and data products, global advocacy, technical assistance, advisory services, research, and donor/project coordination 2

3 World Bank Open Data Initiative Launched in 2010 to: –“democratize development” –Unlock full value of World Bank data Global public good for the public good Costs to provide but benefits far greater: enabling decision-making at all levels, better development, transparency and visibility 10-fold increase in data use since becoming open Data is now number 1 reason WBG site visited, accouting for 1/3 of all traffic Over 1 million visits/month (data site & analytical tools) 3

4 Access to over 8,000 development indicators Over 85 major datasets in the data catalog A central index and starting place for all data across the Bank A large survey microdata repository also available Open about what we know

5 Open about what we do Data on over 11,000 WB- financed activities with maps of project locations Even details of procurements, contracts and evaluations Also published in International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) format Interactive and visualized financial data

6 Supporting open government 6 Kenya Open Budget Data: Raw numbers, hard to understand… Government data, visualized by citizens, easier to understand

7 But we need to help others do Open Data more… 7 Local and geo-coded data Survey data Administrative data Capacity building of statisticians Improved data collection Leveraging of big data sources and techniques

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