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LEAD-India Communication Platform in association with the Virtual Centre for Research and Development - Livestock Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "LEAD-India Communication Platform in association with the Virtual Centre for Research and Development - Livestock Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEAD-India Communication Platform in association with the Virtual Centre for Research and Development - Livestock Environment and Development (LEAD) Initiative developed and hosted by Centre for Environment Education Supported by CALPI, a programme of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, and Intercooperation

2 LEAD India Communication Platform Developed and hosted by CEE. Supported by CALPI (a programme of SDC), FAO-LEAD

3 Goals of the platform Project conceived as first step towards development of India Platform dealing with livestock and environment issues, supported by LEAD, FAO To build up a network and foundation for the LEAD-India Platform

4 Objectives To facilitate networking, feedback and professional exchange in India Provide policy-makers with knowledge in order to promulgate policies that encourage development and use of sustainable livestock systems continued…

5 Documentation and dissemination of experiences To assist in capacity building To liaise with organisations, institutions and development projects …continued continued…

6 Platform users Policy & decision makers Practitioners Extension workers NGOs, CBOs Researchers & Academics Media

7 Activities Electronic services The LEAD India website will act as a platform to disseminate information. The various functions of the website are: Digital library comprising publications relevant to livestock-environment issues continued…

8 …continued LEAD experts — a database of experts in livestock and environment, with facilities for users to interact with them Institutions — a database of institutions working on the identified livestock and environment issues continued…

9 …continued Platform newsletter to disseminate information related to livestock- environment issues, events, news and related information Electronic conferences for thematic exchanges and consultations to create and update awareness amongst users on livestock, environment & development issues continued…

10 Decision Support Tools for policy makers, such as Global & Hotspot-specific LEAD Toolboxes, maps etc. Toolbox: Set of electronic tools to identify appropriate technology & policy interventions in livestock-environment interactions Hotspot: Thematic area where sustainability of ecosystem or livelihoods faces stress from livestock-environment interactions continued… …continued

11 Case studies — a compilation of innovative initiatives, best practices etc. Hotspot/Theme Search to help users locate themes/issues/topics related to hotspots covered by other LEAD platforms; and Data on livestock and environment in & relevant to India. continued… …continued

12 Other communication efforts Newsletter Pamphlets Posters CDs Wall newsletter for farmers Training programmes Workshops and Seminars

13 ...and now – the Website!

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