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An investigation into best lecturing practice for students with learning difficulties with special emphasis on Dyslexia: A comparison of two student cohorts.

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Presentation on theme: "An investigation into best lecturing practice for students with learning difficulties with special emphasis on Dyslexia: A comparison of two student cohorts."— Presentation transcript:

1 An investigation into best lecturing practice for students with learning difficulties with special emphasis on Dyslexia: A comparison of two student cohorts Dr Nicola Blackie

2 Introduction Dyslexia –4 % of the population are seriously affected –10 % of the population are affected to some extent What is dyslexia?? –Dys = difficulty –Lexia = with words (reading, writing, spelling) –Over 500 definitions of Dyslexia exist

3 Introduction Dyslexia in the classroom –Reading, writing, spelling –Difficulties ‘getting ideas down on paper’ –Maths –Disorganisation –Difficulties in sitting and listening –Difficulties in following instructions –Distracting behaviour –Attention/focus problems –Low confidence –Loss of motivation –Poor attainment

4 Introduction However, –Dyslexia can be managed –Many dyslexic students find effective strategies –Dyslexic students can be the most careful Dyslexia does not affect: –Reasoning, problem solving, creativity or intuition

5 Methods Questionnaire given to all the first year Agriculture and Animal Students –Total students = 139 –Total responses received = 101 –Response rate = 73% Mix of open and closed questions Emphasis on learning style and use of PowerPoint technology for teaching

6 Results – Basic student details


8 % % 64% of learning difficulties = Dyslexia, others include Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia and Physical problems

9 Class Preference - Agric

10 Class Preference - Animal

11 PowerPoint Style


13 PowerPoint Style - Colour What colour(s) if any cause you problems on PowerPoint slides for you? Red (8) Yellow (34) Blue background/ Yellow writing Orange (5) Blue (9) Bright (5) Pale/Light colours (12) Blue background/ Yellow writing (8)

14 PowerPoint Style - Colour What colour(s) if any cause you problems on PowerPoint slides for you? Green (9) Dark Bright White (4) Purple (1) Not enough contrast Dark background (9)*

15 PowerPoint Style - Colour Learning difficulties specifically –Yellow, red –White background –Blue or light colours –Dark backgrounds make text hard to read –Yellow (words) –Bright white (2) –Blue/Yellow hard to see –Red –No background colour, light lilac preferred –Green + Red (light blue on dark background preferred) –Yellow on blue - hard to read –Bright colours such as Yellow/Orange

16 PowerPoint Style - Colour Generally students with Dyslexia gave more detail on colour We are encouraged to put everything on PDF format on Moodle –Student can’t adjust to requirements –Inclusive approach? Avoid Yellow and light colours??

17 Recording Lectures % % 18 % of students record lectures

18 Font Type Sans Serif –Arial –Calibri –Tahoma –Veranda Serif –Times New Roman –Century –Footlight MT Light 77% 14% 9 % have no preference

19 Font Type – Learning difficulties Sans Serif –Arial –Calibri –Tahoma –Veranda Serif –Times New Roman –Century –Footlight MT Light 81% 19%

20 What do students find useful? 92 % like Photos

21 What do students find useful? 61 % like figures

22 What do students find useful? 61 % like mind-maps

23 Learning Styles All = 4 % Auditory = 7 % Kinaesthetic = 30 % Read/ Write = 16 % Visual = 16 % Visual + Kinaesthetic = 10 % Other combinations = 17 %

24 Learning Styles

25 So what do we do well? Repetition of complex or difficult topics Miss out words so you have to fill them in Pictures, examples Give practical examples of information Use videos and images Clear text, interesting pictures and diagrams Use real world examples/ experiences to describe case studies

26 What is not so good? Reading the slides out Putting lots of info on one slide = hard to read Speed, some lecturers go too fast, or putting up irrelevant wording or text Yellow and blue colours, too much text Blocks of text, blocks of figures Not explain or talk about any slides/ diagrams/ pictures etc Covering over pictures with more pictures, Figures etc too small and unclear. Adding additional slides that are not in the lecture notes.

27 What do they want more of? Provide PowerPoint's as a handout or on moodle before Ask questions at the end of lecture More visual aids Make lectures more interactive, work as groups to answer questions Videos! Online quizzes Further reading sources Have a visual and attractive PowerPoint so it doesn’t look boring

28 Questions?

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