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Structures, Functions and Interdependence

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1 Structures, Functions and Interdependence
Human Body Systems Structures, Functions and Interdependence




5 SKELETAL SYSTEM Structures: Functions: Bones - Tendons
Joints - Ligaments Cartilage Functions: Gives the body shape/support Allows for movement at the joints Protects vital organs Creates blood cells


7 MUSCULAR SYSTEM Structures: Functions: Muscles Most organs
Heart, stomach, intestines, brain, tongue, diaphragm, etc. Functions: Allows the body to move Gives body shape and strength

8 Systems Work Together…
Skeletal and Muscular System Our muscles must be connected to the skeletal system to allow for strength and movement. They both help protect our internal organs.


10 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Structures: Functions: Mouth Esophagus Stomach
Small/large intestines Functions: Digestion = breakdown of food, chemically and mechanically Absorption = food is processed into a usable source of energy Defecating = getting rid of solid waste

11 Systems Work Together…
2. Digestive and Muscular System At the mouth, the muscles of the jaws and tongue break food into pieces. Muscles of the throat move food down the esophagus. In the stomach, churning motions produced by muscles break food into smaller bits and mix it with stomach acid. Finally, muscular contractions of the intestine move food through the remainder of the digestive tract.


13 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Structures: Functions:
Trachea (windpipe) Larynx (voice box) Lungs Diaphragm Functions: Respiration – to supply the blood with oxygen by breathing (inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide) Vocalization – using your vocal cords to speak, sing, scream, etc.

14 Systems Work Together…
Respiratory and Muscular Systems The diaphragm is a muscle that contracts (tightens) to allow air to enter the lungs. It then relaxes to push air out of the lungs. The vocal cords are a muscle and make sound as air passes through them. Respiration provides oxygen to the muscles so they can work All cells need oxygen to function.

15 AKA Cardiovascular System
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM AKA Cardiovascular System

16 If you stretched out all of your blood vessels, they would circle the world 2.5 times!!!

17 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM Structures: Heart Blood Blood Vessels
~ veins, arteries, capillaries Functions: Circulation – movement of blood throughout the body Mailman - blood delivers oxygen to cells Trash man - picks up and eliminates waste from the cells

18 Systems Work Together…
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems Red blood cells move around the body providing oxygen to the other cells. Red blood cells also pick up and remove carbon dioxide and water that cells create as waste.

19 What other human body system does this remind you of?
NERVOUS SYSTEM What other human body system does this remind you of?

20 What are the similarities and differences between the 2 pictures of the systems?

21 No, that is NOT an alien!!!

22 You want your dendrites to grow!!!
NERVOUS SYSTEM Structures: Brain Spinal Cord Nerves Functions: Send electrical signals to all other systems of the body. Transmit information from the environment to the brain. You want your dendrites to grow!!!

23 Systems Work Together…
Nervous and all the other systems The brain controls voluntary and involuntary muscle movement through electrical signals. Voluntary – walking, swimming, reading Involuntary – breathing, digesting, heart beat The signals are delivered through the spinal cord and nerves to tell the rest of the body what to do.

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