Building Online Brand. Purpose Here we intend to build a tool which audits a website on the basis of certain parameters, keeping in view the KM perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Online Brand. Purpose Here we intend to build a tool which audits a website on the basis of certain parameters, keeping in view the KM perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Online Brand

2 Purpose Here we intend to build a tool which audits a website on the basis of certain parameters, keeping in view the KM perspective.

3 Motive of any website It is about your visitors. Reflects the message that you want to convey through your business. Only purpose is to answer questions people may have. In brief, it is about conducting business and being efficient.

4 Motive (Cont..) Whatever be the purpose of a website, goal is to attract more and more targeted visitors and making them come again and again. To achieve this, we must host quality website.

5 What is quality site?? Quality site is one that people want to visit and link to. So what makes a quality site? There are two versions of quality---  One is how visitors judge your site and  Second is how the search engines view your site.

6 Ultimate Goal To increase web traffic. To get more targeted web traffic. To learn more about your customers and potential customers by doing a website traffic analysis. To get more of your visitors to become buyers or clients. To increase time spent by visitor on a webpage.

7 Website Traffic??? Increasing hits?? Increasing page views?? Increasing sessions?? Increasing unique visitors??

8 Research Instrument Design. Behaviourial Analysis. SE Optimisation.

9 Design Is The Conscious Effort To Impose A Meaningful Order. “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.Design is how it works.”-Steve Jobs

10 Design(Cont..)  Content Organization  Navigational Schemes

11 Content Organization All in one: The simplest model, all content will be accessible from the same home page; Flat: Pages are peers and interchangeably accessible; Index: Based on the flat structure, but provide additional content in the telephone book style; Scatter:

12 Content Org…… Daisy: Design for sites that need a workflow pattern of a linear nature- basically returns users to a certain point on the site after they’ve completed a task; Categorical strict hierarchy: Content on lower level pages can only be accessed via the parent page; and Multidimensional hierarchy: Provides users with multiple ways of browsing the same content.

13 Navigation scheme

14 Navigational Schemes Ensure that users are always aware of their location within the site; this allows them to easily browse forward or backwards; Hyperlinks should be distinctly set out from content such that they are easily discernable; Informing users of where they will be moving to upon clicking the hyperlink;

15 Navigational Scheme…. Allowing for the usability and availability of the browser back button; and Seek to provide the audience with a minimum clicks to get maximum results Be easy to learn. Be consistent throughout the website. Provide feedback, such as the use of breadcrumbs to indicate how to navigate back to where the user started.

16 Navigation(Cont…) Use clear and intuitive labels, based on the user’s perspective and terminology. Support user tasks. Have each link be distinct from other links. Group navigation into logical units. Avoid making the user scroll to get to important navigation or submit buttons.

17 Navigation(Cont..) Use the minimum number of clicks to arrive at the next destination. Not disable the browser’s back button.

18 Behaviourial Analysis Know Your Online Visitor's Intent Profiling of Online Visitors. Tracking visited pages. Time Spent on each page. Keywords Clicked on. Visitor’s Location Time of Visit Source that lead them to your website. Data is then categorized and analyzed to determine the visitor’s interest and intent.

19 Cont.. The number of visitors. The average number of page views per visitor – a high number would indicate that the average visitors go deep inside the site, possibly because they like it or find it useful. Average visit duration – the total length of a user's visit. As a rule the more time they spend the more they're interested in your company and are more prone to contact. Average page duration – how long a page is viewed for. The more pages viewed, the better it is for your company.

20 Domain classes – all levels of the IP Addressing information required to deliver Webpages and content Busy times – the most popular viewing time of the site would show when would be the best time to do promotional campaigns and when would be the most ideal to perform maintenance Most requested pages – the most popular pages Most requested entry pages – the entry page is the first page viewed by a visitor and shows which are the pages most attracting visitors

21 Most requested exit pages – the most requested exit pages could help find bad pages, broken links or the exit pages may have a popular external link Top paths – a path is the sequence of pages viewed by visitors from entry to exit, with the top paths identifying the way most customers go through the site Referrers; The host can track the (apparent) source of the links and determine which sites are generating the most traffic for a particular page.

22 Search Engine Optimisation Reflecting Consciousness And Connecting Commerce

23 Keywords Keywords are the words on a webpage that best describe that page Keyword selection is the most important step to effective SEO The keywords you use will be the phrases where you want to be highly ranked on SEs Time and research should go into selecting the appropriate keywords before doing any SEO What are the words one would use to find your site?

24 Metatags Meta tags are used to provide a description of the page, and a list of main keywords it uses. There is a debate over whether to cram loads of keywords into these tags, or just select the most important ones. Search engines are getting smarter everyday, so they may penalise you for cramming Some search engines reportedly don’t even look at the meta tags (e.g. Google)

25 Title tag The text in this tag shows up on the top of your browser window. Quite important to include keywords here, as the title will give a general summary for what your page is about. Most search engines see this tag as an important tag for categorising what type of site you have.

26 Anchor Tags One of the most important tags you must use for SEO. Spiders use these to crawl your site, so you must have links to pages throughout your site. Other sites that link to yours will send spiders your way also. Google (and others) use anchor tags to rank your site in many ways: Firstly, text in anchor tags are given a lot of importance. If other sites link to you, this must mean your site is popular, and so you increase in rankings. The most popular sites would, in theory, be linked to by many websites throughout the internet.

27 Since anchor tags are so important, it is vital that you include keywords in these tags SEs think the words to describe a link should give a good indication of what that page is about. This is one reason why it is good to have a navigation bar that uses links to all your sites. Better that you use words, not images Try and use tags, and not image maps, flash, etc. A sitemap is also an effective way of tying your site up if you link all your pages to this site ma

28 Text and Content Throughout your page you will need to use keywords in order to rank well for that word The most important places of your content to put keywords are in the headers, at the beginning, and the end of paragraphs. It is importance to balance the overuse of keywords for the sake of SEO and keeping the text relevant, readable, and informative There is no point in having a highly ranked page if it provides no information to a user, as they will leave your site immediately

29 H1,H2,H3 etc tags These tags are considered by search engines to be a description of your page. Very important to put in some keywords there. It is always a good idea to structure your content so that it contains these tags at beginning of paragraphs, tables, sections, etc. It is quite logical that a search engine gets the overview of a paragraph from a header tag We know what this slide is about by looking at the title of the slide.

30 Images Images are not read by search engines, and so you should avoid using too many images on your site Many sites use images for fancy fonts, when they contain keywords that are never read by a search engine Always use an alt attribute when including an image This gives a spider a description of the image, and also doubles as making your site accessible to blind people.

31 Code Structure It is important to look at your HTML code and see the structure of it. Some pages have too much code, and too little content Some code makes it so that content is found at the bottom of the page. Pages that use tables for layout are notorious for doing this. Make sure that keywords are found at the top of your source code as well as on the actual web page Remember, SEs don’t see pages like we do, they only see our HTML code

32 Updates your sites Regularly Sites that are updated regularly are spidered and indexed more frequently by SEs Sites that change often are considered by SEs as sites that provide current information, and must therefore (although not always) provide up to date information This would provide a more relevant set of results than providing a user with pages that were made 10 years ago News Items are a great way of including a regular changing page.

33 Dynamic Code Dynamic code can make updating your site very easy Also useful for creating pages on the fly E.g. A shopping cart with items you want to buy SEs do not always look favourably on pages with dynamic data These pages usually have a ? after the page name and are followed by data You have to regularly update your site if you want to do well with dynamic pages E.g. Forums

34 Inbound Links As said before, links from other sites are very important. Google will no list your site if its not found on an other webpage listed by them Methods to get links on other pages Link Exchange (free) Paid Advertising Google Adwords Overture Specific Websites


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