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 Becca Postoll. Singular 1 ~boPlural 1 ~bimus 2 ~bis 2 ~bitis 3 ~bit 3 ~bunt.

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Presentation on theme: " Becca Postoll. Singular 1 ~boPlural 1 ~bimus 2 ~bis 2 ~bitis 3 ~bit 3 ~bunt."— Presentation transcript:

1  Becca Postoll

2 Singular 1 ~boPlural 1 ~bimus 2 ~bis 2 ~bitis 3 ~bit 3 ~bunt

3  Use the 2 nd principle part of the verb (the infinitive)  For the 1 st, 2 nd, conjugation just drop the “re”  Add the endings

4 1 st Conjugation2 nd Conjugation InfinitiveParareHabere Singular 1 2 3 Parabo Parabis Parabit Habebo Habebis Habebit Plural 1 2 3 Parabimus Parabitis Parabunt Habebimus Habebitis Habebunt

5  Parabo o I shall prepare  Parabis o You will prepare  Parabit o He will prepare  Parabimus o We shall prepare  Parabitis o You all will prepare  Parabunt o They will prepare

6  Where is 3 rd, 3 rd io, and 4 th ???  There is an SEPARATE chart!  It’s easy I promise!!!

7 3 rd, 3 rd io, and 4 th Conjugation Singular 1 2 3 ~am ~es ~et Plural 1 2 3 ~emus ~etis ~ent

8  Take the infinitive of the verb  For 3 rd conjugation drop the “ere”  Add the endings  For 3 rd io and 4 th Conjugation drop the “ire” o Add an “i”  Add the endings

9 3 rd Conjugation3 rd io Conjugation4 th Conjugation InfinitveMittereIacereaudire Singular 1 2 3 Mittam Mittes Mittet Iaciam Iacies Iaciet Audiam Audies Audiet Plural 1 2 3 Mittemus Mitteits Mittent Iaciemus Iacietis Iacient Audiemus Audietis Audient

10  Mittam o I shall send  Mittes o You will send  Mittet o He will send  Mittemus o We will send  Mitteits o You all will send  Mittent o They will send

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