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1 Preparing a decommissioning project H. Sterner E. Thurow Energiewerke Nord GmbH H. Sterner; E. Thurow, EWN, chapter 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Preparing a decommissioning project H. Sterner E. Thurow Energiewerke Nord GmbH H. Sterner; E. Thurow, EWN, chapter 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Preparing a decommissioning project H. Sterner E. Thurow Energiewerke Nord GmbH H. Sterner; E. Thurow, EWN, chapter 1

2 2 Company EWN View of the Greifswald NPP Site

3 3 Company EWN Basic data on the reactor units

4 4 Company EWN Dismantling project Project Facts Objective:green field site reuse Duration:1995 – 2012 Dismantling Masses:1.800 Mio Mg Spent Fuel:5037 elements

5 5 Company EWN State of dismantling/disposal unrestricted material suspected/contaminated material (turbine hall) (reactor building) (other places) (09/2002) Mg

6 6 Company EWN Site reuse - vision

7 7 Preparing a decommissioning project Introductory Remarks 1.1Fundamentals 1.2Project analysis 1.3Technical concept 1.4Decommissioning plan 1.5Licensing aspects 1.6Financial aspects 1.7Social aspects Contents of presentation

8 8 Introduction Decommissioning reasons achieving of planned designed life time less actual life time than planned high maintenance and operational costs future costs can not be calculated safety uncertainties material aging incident political decision

9 9 Introduction Decommissioning   final phase in life-cycle of nuclear facility  objective:exemption / removal from regulatory control  activities:decontamination, dismantling, demolition, fuel/waste/material disposal.....  consideration: health and safety of personnel and public, preservation of environment

10 10 Basic considerations  Decommissioning strategy  Financing  Technical  Waste Management  Fuel Management  Social

11 11 Boundary conditions acceptance by authority and public legal/licensing constrictions specific local conditions political : technical : plant and site conditions plant design availability of fuel storages waste management possibilities and disposal options

12 12 Boundary conditions financial : availability of budget cash flow personnel age and competence personnel strategy integration in project privatisation strategy social :

13 13 Project objectives  implementation of project  minimum risk  as cheap as possible (i.e. generally also as fast as possible)  socially acceptable

14 14 Project objectives Example of derived criteria  fulfilment of safety criteria  minimum costs  maximum use of own personnel and local companies  site reuse  know-how transfer  privatisation

15 15 Project objectives Safety criteria  guarantee nuclear safety - undercriticality - cooling  guarantee appropriate radiation protection - limit dose commitment (ALARA)  conventional workers safety  release of radioactivity below licensed levels

16 16 Project analysis  evaluation of the project under all boundary conditions, considering feasible alternatives  determination of main project tasks and necessary investments  determination of main conditions and basic time schedule  determination of requirements on personnel (qualification and number) Objectives of project analysis

17 17 Project analysis  spent fuel management (and fresh fuel if present)  waste management  dismantling strategy  mass flow logistic  post operation  personnel strategy  site reuse options Main issues of the project analysis

18 18 Project analysis  main dependencies between project activities  mile stones and overall project life time  key decision plan (with arguments) Result of the project analysis

19 19 Project analysis  direct dismantling instead of safe enclosure  necessity of a new dry spent fuel storage  necessity of an interim storage with treatment capabilities for radioactive material from dismantling due to lack of final disposal capacities  license for decommissioning and dismantling instead of operation license prolongation preferable  project realisation by own staff instead of contractors  site reuse for industrial activities instead of green field Example:Key decisions by EWN

20 20 Project analysis

21 21 Decommissioning variants operation post operational phase decommissioning variant establish safe enclosure safe enclosure complete dismantling complete immediate dismantling 1 2

22 22 Decommissioning variants planning 4 a ~ 30 a12 - 14 a operational licencedecommissioning licence safe enclosure operation 3-5 a2-3 a variant 1: safe enclosure post operation realisation safe enclosure operation 3-5 a12 - 14 a variant 2: immediate dismantling post operation immediate dismantling shutdown

23 23 Decommissioning variants activity reduction by radioactive decay timely postponement of investments progress in decontamination technique Safe enclosure - advantage:

24 24 Decommissioning variants qualified plant personnel is not available possible negative effects on public extensive backfitting necessary  safe enclosure  dismantling technical infrastructure is not usable radiological problems due to decay of Co-60 Safe enclosure - disadvantage:

25 25 Project analysis

26 26 Dismantling controlled area unit 1 Transport steam generator No. 5 from the steam generator room via reactor hall to the interim storage

27 27 Dismantling in the steam generator room unit 1

28 28 Project analysis

29 29 ISN – cross section storage for spent fuel and interim/decay storage for radioactive material storage area 20.000m² dimension l. 240m x w. 140m x h. 18m halls 1-7radioactive material: - 20‘-containers - cast iron containers - concrete containers - steel containers - casks (cast iron) - large components hall 8spent fuel in CASTOR casks masseshalls 1-7approx. 110.000Mg hall 8585Mg (heavy metal)

30 30 Interim Storage North

31 31 Project analysis

32 32 Site reuse

33 33 Technical concept General main issues  main decommissioning and dismantling steps  dismantling principles  operational waste management  categorisation of systems/buildings/areas by radiological classes  inventory  mass flow logistic (from dismantling)  main items of partial plant adaptation  main items of investments (new equipment)  special dismantling and disposal concept for highly activated components  safe post operation, evaluation of the residual life time of old equipment  possibilities to reduce operational costs

34 34 Technical concept EWN table of content 1.Introduction 2.Site and buildings description 3.Present status 4.Decommissioning and dismantling activities 5.Decontamination methods 6.Emissions 7.Material flow and waste management 8.Radiological protection 9.Declassification 10.Necessary new installations and systems 11.Fire protection 12.Workers protection 13.Plant security 14.Infrastructure 15.Safety case 16.Environmental impact assessment

35 35 Technical concept EWN - dismantling principles  as large components / parts as possible for treatment in our warm workshop or interim storage  dismantling planning on system basic, execution on room basis  start in unit 5; low contamination / radiation dose  from low to high contamination / radiation dose  use market equipment  in situ decontamination only for dose reduction

36 36 Technical concept EWN - main direction of dismantling

37 37 Technical concept Plant inventory Systems and other components on a room-by-room basis Masses and material types (on a room- and system-basis) Contamination in rooms and systems (including estimation of contamination penetration in concrete structures) Dose rates, including ambient rates in rooms, hot spots, and at large components Hazardous materials (Asbestos, PCB etc.)

38 38 Technical concept Categorisation by radiological classes Category I- unrestricted material Category II- suspected material (an eventual contamination cannot be excluded) Category III- contaminated material

39 39 Technical concept Categorisation by radiological classes EWN - example Estimated masses for different contamination categories in the turbine hall units 1 – 4 Category Iunrestricted material ca. 45 % Category IIsuspected materialca. 53 % Category IIIcontaminated materialca. 2 %

40 40 Technical concept Classification of systems ISystems necessary for nuclear safety and radiation protection IISystems necessary for industrial safety and operation IIINot necessary systems

41 41 Technical concept WWER 440 - classification of systems SystemUnit System Category Remarks Post Operation Preparation Safe Enclosure Safe Enclosure ventilation for reactor- and auxiliary building 1, 2, 3, 4III Capacity reduction, Adaptation and/or Installation of new Ventilation systems water cleaning system 2 (SVO-2) 1/2 3/4 III water cleaning system 3 (SVO-3) including sewage water system 1/2 3/4 II III water cleaning system 4 (SVO-4) 1/2 3/4 II III steam generator facility1, 2, 3, 4III steam generator blowdown system1, 2, 3, 4III water cleaning system 5 (SVO-5)1, 2, 3, 4III water cleaning system 6 (SVO-6)1 - 4III solid radioactive waste store1 - 4IIIIIremoval solid waste liquid radioactive waste store1 - 4IIIII off-gas cleaning system1/2 3/4 III

42 42 Technical concept Waste and material management Fuel Operational waste Dismantled material

43 43 Technical concept EWN - fuel management 19901999

44 44 Technical concept EWN - waste management

45 45 Technical concept EWN - material management Building structures Ca. 1.185.000 Mg Building structures Ca. 1.185.000 Mg Remaining building structures Ca. 471.000 Mg Remaining building structures Ca. 471.000 Mg Plant Greifswald site 1.800.000 Mg Plant Greifswald site 1.800.000 Mg Plant parts TH 1 – 6, IH 6 Ca. 50.000 Mg Plant parts TH 1 – 6, IH 6 Ca. 50.000 Mg Category II and III Potentially contaminated Ca. 565.000 Mg Category II and III Potentially contaminated Ca. 565.000 Mg Category I Not contaminated Ca. 1.235.000 Mg Category I Not contaminated Ca. 1.235.000 Mg Concrete and plant parts Ca. 94.000 Mg Concrete and plant parts Ca. 94.000 Mg

46 46 Technical concept Project structuring Different structures depending on point of view  Work breakdown  Responsibility  Objects  Type of work  Phases

47 47 Technical concept EWN - Work breakdown

48 48 Decommissioning plan Content and structure Comprehensive Project Management Licensing Process Characterisation of the facility (dose mapping and inventory classification) Safety assessment Criticality assessment Radiation Protection and Monitoring Environmental impact assessment Waste Management Decontamination Dismantling and demolition Remote dismantling Engineering support Quality Assurance and Quality control Physical Protection Site adaptation and development Public relation

49 49 Decommissioning plan EWN – Explanatory reports ERFirst issue in 1994Issue Index one year later ER1Licensing concept for decommissioning/dismantling of units 1 - 62 ER2Radiation protection concept2 ER3Site operation4 ER4Incident analyses2 ER5Fire protection concept2 ER6Intervention in contaminated building structures under controlled area conditions 3 ER7Reconstruction/new construction of the complex of central active workshop/melting facility 3 ER8General dismantling plan1 ER9Material flow/release measurement concept1 ER10Decontamination concept2 ER11Disposal of damaged fuel elements1 ER12Physical protection3 ER13Remote dismantling of reactor pressure vessels 1 to 52 ER14Clearing of tube storages for activated components1 ER15Disposal of absorber sections and shielding assemblies2

50 50 Decommissioning plan  Initial for operation license  Updating during operation  Final for decommissioning license  Ultimate after project termination

51 51 Licensing aspects Decrease in potential risk

52 52 Licensing aspects EWN Strategy - overview  strategy  determination of main licensing steps  common understanding of decommissioning and dismantling in parallel to post operation and permanent system adaptation  categorisation of systems based on safety importance for the different decommissioning phases  step by step procedure of documents

53 53 Licensing aspects EWN Strategy - overview  system dismantling supervised area  personnel occupation  one basic license - possession - post operation -large dismantling part  work security  part licences -controlled areas -remote dismantling  smooth workload planning and authorized control  no public hearing necessary

54 54 Licensing aspects EWN - licensing mile stones (basic schedule )

55 55 Licensing aspects EWN - step by step procedure of documents

56 56 Finacial aspects EWN experience - cost  Decommissioning start as early as possible after shutdown  1 additional year of post operation costs ca. 100 Mio DM  Comparison of dismantling costs per unit: Greifswald:400 Mio DM German utilities:600 Mio DM

57 57 Social aspects Problems after shut down Substantial problems at the NPP: Restructuring of the company for decommissioning is necessary Planning, preparation and realisation of decommissioning Motivation of personnel, ensuring the permanent personnel level Planning of the personnel reduction

58 58 Social aspects EWN - Measures and principles No major contractors Retirement scheme Privatisation/outsourcing Education - decommissioning - better position on labour market Dismissal with economical support Re-industrialisation of the site

59 59 Social aspects EWN – personnel reduction

60 60 Social aspects EWN – personnel reduction

61 61 Social aspects Approaches for the NPP Further qualification of the personnel Support for the creation of new working places (Outsourcing) Inclusion of local companies in decommissioning activities Timely release of NPP territory for the settlement of industries Use of national and international support programmes

62 62 Social aspects Approaches for the region Further qualification of unemployed people (increase of chances at the labour market) Creation of new working places (privatisation) Development of regional development programmes Use of national and international support programmes Co-ordination of regional activities/measures

63 63 Social aspects Approaches for the country Creation of boundary conditions (legal framework, financing, infrastructure) Initiation of national and international support programmes Creation of a centralised organisational structure for controlling and co-ordination of all measures

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