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Enter SK / KD / Indicators. Discovered Corpuscles/Electrons in 1897 picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Enter SK / KD / Indicators. Discovered Corpuscles/Electrons in 1897 picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 enter SK / KD / Indicators


3 Discovered Corpuscles/Electrons in 1897 picture



6 proton orbit electron n = 1 n = 2 n = 3


8 He combined the equations for the behavior of waves with the de Broglie equation to generate a mathematical model for the distribution of electrons in an atom. The advantage of this model : it consists of mathematical equations known as wave functions that satisfy the requirements placed on the behavior of electrons. The disadvantage : it is difficult to imagine a physical model of electrons as waves.

9 To explain the particle of matter concept. Explain the concept of atom, ion and molecules. Explain the modern structure of the atom. Compare between the modern structure and the classical model of the atom. Makes the new atomic models in their perception.

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