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ESL 099 The Passive Voice.

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Presentation on theme: "ESL 099 The Passive Voice."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESL 099 The Passive Voice

2 Passive vs. Active Active vs. Passive
Millions of people buy it. It is bought by millions of people. Someone published it in 1888. It was published in 1888. They have reached their goal. Their goal has been reached.

3 Passive Statements Subject +be (not) + past participle + (by object)
It is (not) bought by children. Her homework hasn’t been finished (by her). The car wasn’t fixed by the mechanic.

4 Yes/No Questions Be/Have + Subject + (been) past participle
Is it sold in Japan? Has it been fixed?

5 Focus Active and Passive sentences have similar meanings but a different focus Active sentences focus on the agent (the person or thing doing the agent). Millions of people read the magazine. Passive sentences focus on the object (the person or thing receiving the agent). The magazine is read by millions of people.

6 Forming the Passive Form the passive with a form of BE + PAST PARTICIPLE The book IS WRITTEN in more than 20 languages. The test WAS TAKEN yesterday. My clothes HAVE BEEN WASHED.

7 Be Careful! Only transitive verbs (verbs that can have objects) have passive forms. (transitive verb) (object) Mary Smith wrote that article. (intransitive verb) It seems interesting. NOT It was seemed interesting.

8 When to Use the Passive A. When the AGENT (the person or thing doing the action) is UNKNOWN or NOT IMPORTANT. The magazine WAS STARTED in 1888 (I don’t know who started it.) The magazine IS SOLD at newsstands. (It isn’t important who sells it.)

9 When to Use the Passive B. When you want to AVOID MENTIONING the AGENT. Some mistakes were made on that project. (I don’t want to say who made the mistakes.) The Wii was broken today.

10 By Phrase Use the passive with BY if you mention the agent.
Only mention the agent when it is important to know who it is. The photo is beautiful. It was taken by Bob Jones. 092-HD is taught by Professor Vera.

11 Be Careful! In most cases, you don’t need to mention the agent. Do not include an agent unnecessarily. NOT – The test was taken by the students. The dinner was cooked by the cook. The work was done by the worker.

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