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Balcarse, Patricio Lorenzo Escondo, Ganejen Lataquin, Joseph Peralta, Hazel Torres, Princess.

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Presentation on theme: "Balcarse, Patricio Lorenzo Escondo, Ganejen Lataquin, Joseph Peralta, Hazel Torres, Princess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Balcarse, Patricio Lorenzo Escondo, Ganejen Lataquin, Joseph Peralta, Hazel Torres, Princess

2 History of water treatment

3 Greece Hippocrates the father of medicine conducted his own experiments in water purification created the theory of the “four humors,” or essential fluids, of the body that related directly to the four temperatures of the seasons. believes that in order to maintain good health, these four humors should be kept in balance.

4 Sparta Other water treatment methods included a drinking cup invented in the ninth century B.C. was used by the Spartan society. The cup was designed to hide badly colored water from its user, causing the mud to stick to its sides.

5 Dark Ages During the Middle Ages, few experiments were attempted in water purification and filtration due to the persecutions that were taking place until the Renaissance period beginning in the late fourteenth century, which ended the lack of scientific and intellectual investigations of the Dark Ages. This was the sparked for a new period of discovery. In this period, often called the Age of Discovery, several inventions came about that greatly changed the world. One of these changes was the invention of the microscope, a scientific innovation that greatly affected the history of cleaning water filters.

6 Beginning of Desalination Sir Francis Bacon the first person that experimented with Desalination Records showed to be the first experimentation in water filtration. According to Sir Francis Bacon experiment, if seawater is allowed to infiltrate through the sand, it can be purified. His experiment did mark rejuvenation in water filter experimentation. The results of this experimentation inspired scientists to continue to experiment with water filtration technology.

7 A century later, Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, considered the father of microscopy, built a microscope by grinding and polishing the tiny curved lenses, he was able to reach magnifications of up to 270 times the original object size. This consider at the time advanced microscope had a great effect upon the study of water purity and water filtration. Scientists were now able to view tiny material particles present in water that had been presumed to be clean. This discovery would greatly impact the future of water treatment and disinfection. One good example of the effect of the Microscope brought to the water treatment was the used chlorine to kill the cholera bacteria in the water, this lead to the rise of water chlorination as an effective disinfection process. This experiment revolutionized the prevalent theory that good- tasting and odorless water naturally meant it was healthful and safe. After these findings were published, several cities began to treat all water with sand filters and chlorine before distributing it to the public.

8 In the late nineteenth century, municipal water treatment began to take hold in the United States. Technicians started experimenting with rapid, as opposed to slow, sand filtration and found the process to be much more efficient and effective. As a result of increased water treatment and chlorination within several U.S. cities and around the world, the outbreak of such waterborne diseases as cholera and typhoid rapidly decreased in the early twentieth century. By the early 1900s, water treatment experimentation had turned from the prevention of waterborne diseases to the creation of softer, less-mineralized water. These water softeners, which use sodium ions to replace water-hardening minerals in water, were first introduced into the water treatment market in 1903. This theory would eventually be used to remove lead, mercury, and other insidious heavy metals from water. Today the technologies available allow us to enjoy clean water.

9 Water Treatment – process of making water suitable for its application or returning its natural state.

10 Reasons to treat your tap water at home Remove specific contaminants Take extra precautions because a household member has a compromised immune system Improve the taste of drinking water

11 Common types of household water systems Filtration Systems A water filter is a device which removes impurities from water by means of a physical barrier, chemical, and/or biological process.

12 Common types of household water systems Water Softeners A water softener is a device that reduces the hardness of the water. A water softener typically uses sodium or potassium ions to replace calcium and magnesium ions, the ions that create “hardness”

13 Common types of household water systems Distillation Systems Distillation is a process in which impure water is boiled and the steam is collected and condensed in a separate container, leaving many of the solid contaminants behind.

14 Common types of household water systems Disinfection Disinfection is a physical or chemical process in which pathogenic microorganisms are deactivated or killed. Examples of chemical disinfectants are chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and ozone. Examples of physical disinfectants include ultraviolet light, electronic radiation, and heat.

15 Water Purification Methods Know Your Water. Hunt recommends testing the water source in advance to determine what sort of microorganisms or contaminants it might contain, so that a prepper can have the right filters to deal with each problem.

16 Water Purification Methods Get an Ultraviolet Light. Large water treatment facilities have used ultraviolet radiation to kill pathogens for years, but small portable units for use in the home or out in the wild have only recently become available. Basically, an ultraviolet purifying unit is a bottle with a small light source that’s inserted into the water. After 30 to 80 seconds, the radiation kills most microbes. Ultraviolet treatment won’t remove impurities such as dirt, metals or chemicals from the water, however, so you’ll have to combine it with another method to get really clean water.

17 If You Only Do Three Things: Get a Basic Ceramic Filter. This is the lazy man’s way to get rid of bacteria, but Hunt says it’s pretty effective. Stock Up on Bleach. It’s great for killing microorganisms that can may you really sick. Boiling Water is a Really Easy, Quick Method of Purification. You can bring a pot or kettle of water to a boil and keep it rolling for a minute, let it cool, and you’re pretty safe from bacteria.

18 Sources ter_treatment.html

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