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FOR TEENS AND ADULTS By: Doug Barok Objective  What is Strength  Different types of strength  Benefits of strength training  Strength training programs.

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Presentation on theme: "FOR TEENS AND ADULTS By: Doug Barok Objective  What is Strength  Different types of strength  Benefits of strength training  Strength training programs."— Presentation transcript:



3 Objective  What is Strength  Different types of strength  Benefits of strength training  Strength training programs  Understanding rest periods  Examples of exercises

4 What is Strength  The ability of a muscle to exert single maximum force against a resistance.  Strength can be developed in many difference ways. Examples: weight training, plyometric training, and suspension training

5 Benefits  Increased bone density  Strengthens joints  Improves balance and stability  Improves posture  Increases Strength Builds a strong heart

6 Types of Contractions  Concentric Contraction  Eccentric Contraction  Isometric Contraction

7 Concentric Contraction  Concentric contraction is a type of muscle contraction that shortens the muscle to generate force  Muscle fibers and tendons shorten during contraction  Most common contraction displayed in the gym  During a dumbbell curl as you raise the weight, the Biceps brachii is being contracted, and shortened

8 Eccentric Contrations  An eccentric muscle contraction is a type of muscle activation that increases tension on a muscle as it lengthens.  Muscle fibers and tendons are lengthening while contracting.  During a dumbbell curl as you lower the weight, the Biceps brachii is lengthened.

9 Isometric Contraction  During an isometric muscle contraction there is no change in the length of the muscle.  There is no movement at the joints  Muscles fibers are still being fired  Increase strength without placing stress on the joints.

10 Strength Building Methods  Weight-lifting  Crossfit  TRX suspension training  Yoga  Kettle-bell training Olympic weightlifting

11 Weight-lifting  Resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance.  Resistance comes from: Weight machines, elastic bands, Dumbbells and your own body weight.  Increases muscle strength significantly

12  Crossfit was founded in 2000  Strength and Conditioning program designed to increase strength, increase cardio-respiratory endurance, and flexibility.  Includes aerobic exercise, body weight exercises, and Olympic weight lifting.  Example exercises:  Power Cleans  Burpees  The Snatch  Box jumps

13 TRX Suspension Training  Suspension training leverages gravity and your body weight to perform hundreds of exercises.  Variable levels of resistance.  Benefits:  Fast, effective total body workout  Builds a solid core  Increases muscular endurance  Cost effective

14 Yoga  When performing yoga you are putting your body into positions that you have to support with your muscles.  Form of isometric training  Benefits:  Increase strength  Increase muscle tone  Increase flexibility  Stronger core

15 Kettlebell Training  Kettlebell is a cast iron weight  Explosive type of training  Combines cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility training  Benefits:  Build strength  Increase endurance  Full body workout  Basic movements:  Snatch, Clean and Jerk, Swing

16 How to Squat video Squat  The squat is a compound, full body exercise  One of the best exercises to promote muscle growth  Primarily muscles: Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps, Hamstrings  Secondary muscles: soleus, gastrocnemius, erector spinae, gluteus minimum/medias, transverse abdominus.

17 Bench Press  The bench press is a great exercise to build upper body strength.  Primary muscles: Pectoralis Major  Secondary muscles: Pectoralis Minor, Triceps, Anterior Deltoid

18 Deadlift 101 Deadlift  Full body strength exercise  Massive muscle gains in upper and lower body  Builds core strength  Primary Muscles: Erector Spinae, Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Adductors  Secondary Muscles: trapezius, rhomboids, flexors, rectus abdominus, gluteus medias/minimus

19 Rest between sets to maximize your workouts Rest Periods  A rest period is the amount of time allowed between sets  Rest periods are an overlooked part of training  Rest periods between sets vary depending on your training goals and conditioning.

20 Rest periods Cont.  Goal: Intense, highly explosive, low rep activities for short duration  Who:  Weightlifters, powerlifters, football players, sprinters  Optimal Rest period between 3-5 minutes  Rest allows muscles to fully recover to produce the greatest muscular force.  Provides the greatest strength gains

21 Cross country skiing takes a great deal of muscular endurance. Rest Period Cont.  Goal: Muscular Size, definition, muscular endurance  Who:  Bodybuilders, long distance runners, swimmers, wrestlers  Optimal Rest period between 30-60 seconds  Rest for the same amount of time as it took to complete the set  Creates high lactate levels improving endurance

22 Reference Page  "Suspension Training With TRX - A Total Body Workout | TRX." Suspension Training With TRX - A Total Body Workout | TRX. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.  Smith, Jim. "Arnold Schwarzenegger." N.p., 30 Jan. 2013. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.  Norwood, Peggy. "Discovery Health." Discovery Fit and Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.  "Muscle Physiology - Types of Contractions." Muscle Physiology - Types of Contractions. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Feb. 2014.

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