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Self Advocacy: Taking Control of Your World. Self Advocacy: What is it? Taking action to represent and advance your own interests & beliefs.

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Presentation on theme: "Self Advocacy: Taking Control of Your World. Self Advocacy: What is it? Taking action to represent and advance your own interests & beliefs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self Advocacy: Taking Control of Your World

2 Self Advocacy: What is it? Taking action to represent and advance your own interests & beliefs

3 Self Advocacy : Components When you decide what you want to do now or in the future Understanding your strengths and weaknesses Developing personal goals

4 Self Advocacy: Communication Speak up for yourself Express your wishes & needs Be assertive, persistent

5 Self Advocates are Self Aware Understand physical, emotional, and behavioral components of their disability Incorporate input from others Accept personal impact of compromised abilities

6 Expanding Self Awareness Always wait before making a major decision Journaling Carefully evaluate the suggestions of others Identify trusted family/friends/professionals to explore issues






12 Self Advocacy: Requires Strategy (Plan) Skills Self Confidence

13 Self Advocacy: Strategy 1.Break down the problem 2.Educate yourself 3.Identify your rights 4.Develop your goal 5.Plan your strategy

14 Self Advocacy Strategy: Step 1 Break Down the Problem 1.What is the problem or issue? 2.What is my goal? 3.What facts do I need to know?

15 Self Advocacy: Step 2 Educate Yourself 1.Identify the facts that you know 2.Gather additional information -what additional facts/info do I need? -how can I obtain this information? -who are the decision makers? -who else can help me?

16 Self Advocacy: Step 3 Identify Your Rights Laws Contracts Rules/Policies

17 Self Advocacy: Step 4 Solution Analysis:Identify Your Goal 1.What are some possible solutions to the problem? 2.What do I want/need to happen? 3.What are the barriers to this solution?

18 Self Advocacy: Step 5 Plan Your Strategy 1.Phone Calls 2.Informal Meeting 3.Letter/email 4.Filing a Formal Complaint

19 Informal Advocacy Plan




23 How To Be An Effective Advocate 1.Respect Authority 2.Use Informal Means First 3.Maintain Good Documentation 4.Be Willing to Compromise

24 Documentation for Self Advocacy Document -all conversations (phone log) -all letters -all forms

25 Documentation For Self Advocacy Document -all conversations -keep all letters

26 Formal Advocacy Grievance Procedure Resolves disputes within an organization Complaint Procedure Addresses issues with government agency or professional board

27 Formal Advocacy Fair Hearing -State Programs/benefits -When benefits are denied, reduced, or terminated -always request in writing -understand hearing request process and time frame

28 Formal Advocacy Court Proceeedings Civil Lawsuit for violation of rights Criminal Case for violation of criminal statute

29 Formal Advocacy Plan




33 Additional Strategies Contacting Legislators Contacting the Media Forming Coalitions with Others

34 Self Advocacy Improves Self Esteem Decreases Stigma Expands Opportunities Increases Successful Outcomes

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