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The Kaleidoscope Shared Virtual Laboratory (or SVL) is a an infrastructure (part of the backbone) at the service of the development and success of Kaleidoscope.

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Presentation on theme: "The Kaleidoscope Shared Virtual Laboratory (or SVL) is a an infrastructure (part of the backbone) at the service of the development and success of Kaleidoscope."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Kaleidoscope Shared Virtual Laboratory (or SVL) is a an infrastructure (part of the backbone) at the service of the development and success of Kaleidoscope. The integrative support, technological and methodological, of most of the research activities done in Kaleidoscope. Part of the facilities, E-services, provided by the Backbone… In order to foster: 1.exchanges, reuses of previous software development or models, 2.dissemination of standards or good software engineering practices relevant for Kaleidoscope, favour interoperability between the learning environments and tools, 4.production of experimental environments with a better built-in instrumentation… Shared Virtual Laboratory: A Backbone JPA for the four years

2 SVL: Overall Organisation WP 7.1: Software Components repository and brokerage Portal for Developpers WP 7.3 : Model-Driven Architecture (and interoperability with external LMS) WP 7.4: Instrumentation and development of uses and best experimental practices More technologicalMore conceptual WP 7.2 : Standards for Digital Learning base Advanced services WP 7.5 : Internationalisation of the Virtual Research Lab

3 SVL: the stakeholders Researchers involved in design and operation of distributed experiments of TEL (field studies, contribution of the social, learning and cognitive sciences…): –A place to facilitate the instrumentation of the TEL (T echnology E nhanced L earning ) environments (probes, HCI observations…) –A place to share/ reuse experimental data or corpus for further analysis, comparison… –A place to integrate usability of HCI (User-centred Design, heuristics…) and tools for interface evaluation…

4 SVL: the stakeholders Researchers: Designers or Software Developers of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments: –A place to find reusable software components; –A place to share best practices, guidelines about use of advanced software engineering (i.e. Web- Services, UML profile for TEL, etc.); –A place to organise a distributed software development done in cooperation with several other partners: workflows, groupware, versioning…

5 Shared Virtual Laboratory: The contribution Portal Specification & technological guides Prototyping and best practices definitions TEL Standards Interoperability and model- Driven approach Experiment’s Instrumentation and test-bed The Kal Community Outcomes

6 SVL WP7 WP8: Dissemination needs components needs WP10-18:SIGs WP19-20:ERT WP21-27:JIERP WP4: Users Group WP3:AIDA WP2:Governance for integration WP6:VDS WP9:ATA E-services guidelines Thanks to Roumen

7 W 7.1 The goal of this workpackage is to provide the Kaleidoscope community of software developers and experimenters with a common tool to share their work and collaborate. This will take the form of a dedicated portal that will support the creation of communities of interest around projects and domains and also serve as a repository for brokerage of “ components ”, either technical components or experimental data. (Συζήτηση για τα αντικείμενα του portal)

8 W 7.1 Integration of two initial components 1.Genesis Colloborative development portal Will be used to host research development projects 2.Universal brokerage platform ( Will be used to provide indexing facilities to find existing components which can be reused in research projects.

9 Metadata Class:format-topic Attributes: SenarioName: SenarioDescription: SenarioKeys: Research-groups: SenarioKeys: ArtifactName: Artifactlink: ActorsNames: ActorsRoles: Senario: Bibliographies: Mailing-lists: Author-of-ontology: Date-of-last-modification:

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