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Get closer to the most advanced CMS Mihail Semedzhiev Joomla!

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Presentation on theme: "Get closer to the most advanced CMS Mihail Semedzhiev Joomla!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Get closer to the most advanced CMS Mihail Semedzhiev Joomla! Bulgaria @semerdzhiev

2  What is Joomla?  How to install Joomla?  Managing the content  Joomla! Extensions  How to create template  Resources  Bonus 2


4 4  Joomla! is an award-winning content management system (CMS)  Joomla! is an open source solution that is freely available to every one  Joomla! is highly extensible and thousands of extensions (most for free) are available  Joomla! runs on PHP/MySQL

5  Joomla! – All together (from Swahili)  Since 2005 (before was Mambo)  Second most popular CMS  Current version 2.5  3100+ Government sites over 204 countries (  30+ Million downloads  9500 extensions  3% of the web sites are based on Joomla 5


7 Minimum System Requirements:  Web server: Apache (or Microsoft IIS)  PHP: 5.2.x or higher  Database: MySQL version 4.1.x. or higher (or MSSQL) 7

8 Where to install?  Locally on your PC (XAMPP)  On a server in a company's Intranet  Shared hosting  VPS  Own server 8

9 1. Get the latest version from 2. Extract the package 3. Follow the installation steps 4. Done 9

10  Site settings  SEO settings  System settings  Server settings  Permissions  Text filters 10


12 12 Content → Article Manager → Add New Article Articles are the main item in Joomla CMS  Title - every Article must have title  Alias – automatically generated string for SEF URLs  Category – the folder of the Article  Text – body of the article / main part  WYSIWYG  Options

13 13 Administration → Content → Category Manager  Many categories as you wish  Can be nested categories  An article can be related to one of these categories  Every category must have a Title  Description – text box for inserting additional content for the category  Options

14 14 Menus → Menu Manager → Add new Menu  Menus are the main navigation element  You can have many menus as you want  You can create nested menus  Edit menus in Menus manager  Joomla have different type of menus

15 15  Users are edited in “User manager”  Every user have custom settings  Users have groups – groups are the holder of the permissions  Joomla have ACL – access control levels  Other specific options


17 17  Components are the main functionality elements  If Joomla! is the OS, components are the desktop applications  Usually are displayed in the center of main content area. (Depending on the template)  Two parts – Admin and Client side  They have special menu types and views.  Joomla! have several core components

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19 19  Modules are lightweight and flexible extensions used for page rendering.  These modules are often “boxes” arranged around a component on a typical page.  A well-known example is the login module.  Modules are assigned per menu item  Every module must have “module position”  Joomla have some core modules

20 20  Plugins provide functions which are associated with trigger events  Plugins adds specific capabilities to a component  Plugin types: Authentication, Content, Editors-xtd, Editors, Extension, Search, System and User  Plugins are powerful way of extending the functionality of the Joomla!

21 21  A template controls the overall look and layout of a site  Provides the framework that brings together modules, components, css and js  Templates provide complete separation of content and presentation  Templates are installed like the other extensions  Joomla! has many professional template developers


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25 Questions?

26 Thank You!


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