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Jenna Haynes.  Technology plays a vital role in our world.  We depend on technology to improve our lives and the lives of future generations.  Most.

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Presentation on theme: "Jenna Haynes.  Technology plays a vital role in our world.  We depend on technology to improve our lives and the lives of future generations.  Most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jenna Haynes

2  Technology plays a vital role in our world.  We depend on technology to improve our lives and the lives of future generations.  Most everyone agrees that technology is important to us all

3  There are many things to think about when considering using technology in higher education classrooms.  Always think about how readily available technology resources are.  Always consider the money your students may be out for the resources.

4  When considering a resource for your college students, make sure they will utilize it if they purchase it.  As the teacher, make yourself readily available to help your students if they have problems or questions

5  There are many types of programs that can be beneficial to many different content areas.  Do not try to use technology in a way that it is not beneficial to your content area.

6  Even though some college students have a lot of prior experience with technology, all of them don’t.  As the teacher you are responsible to help students with any problems they have.  Make sure you know the program before you expect the students to know it.

7  Only focusing on technology use in the classroom isn’t always the right approach.  In online classes and actual technology classes, you may have some students who struggle. Make sure you know how to help these students.

8  Not all college students know everything about technology.  Always keep in mind that everyone in your classroom comes from a different background and may not have had a lot of prior experiences with technology.

9  Most college students prefer learning through technology.  Make sure technology use in the college classroom is making the students think and is challenging them.  Remember that computers aren’t the only technology available.

10  The TPACK model is a good way to help teachers know where they stand when it comes to technology.  There are many professional development opportunities for teachers who feel that they need help when it comes to making technology a factor in their classroom.

11  No matter what you are teaching, there are still ways you can implement technology.  Technology is especially important to college students because technology is very important in most career opportunities.  Be there to guide your students because they may always come up with questions.

12  r/ebook/nlebk_329155_AN?sid=ad2eb2d5- 930d-42bc-9007- 38bbc970fc0f@sessionmgr14&vid=2

13  This article was very well-written and very informational. It was very long and sometimes repeated itself, but it was overall a very good article.

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