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Computing & the universe. Imagine a powerful computer that behaves like a human Is it conscious? Should it be allowed to win Jeopardy?

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Presentation on theme: "Computing & the universe. Imagine a powerful computer that behaves like a human Is it conscious? Should it be allowed to win Jeopardy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computing & the universe

2 Imagine a powerful computer that behaves like a human Is it conscious? Should it be allowed to win Jeopardy?

3 Imagine a computer simulating a universe Could it be our universe? If so, is God a programmer?

4 4 The future of computing will change the nature of humanity Bionic humans

5 5 The future of computing will change the nature of humanity Bionic humans Non-biological humans based on future’s computing

6 6 The future of computing will change the nature of humanity Bionic humans Non-biological humans based on future’s computing Singularity: Superintelligent beings beyond human “Beings of pure energy and spirit” Space Odyssey Ungraspable Intelligence

7 7 It will change our view on big philosophical and religion questions Science delivered deep philosophical changes Darwin’s Evolution Theory NietzscheDawkins Computer Science & Technology will produce new wave of changes Science fiction leads the way God is dead! The probability of an Intelligent Creator is near zero! We evolved from monkeys

8 8 Big philosophical questions Does Science fundamentally preclude a Creator? Does Science reduce the probability of an Intelligent Creator to near zero? Or do we live in an intelligently created universe? Is Evolution and Intelligent Design compatible? Are miracles possible? … and many more

9 9 Learn & Think out of the box Review the future of computing

10 10 Learn & Think out of the box Review the future of computing Review questions on nature of reality Plato’s Cave Brains in VatsSimulation Theorem Zhuangzi’s Butterfly Descartes’ Evil Genius

11 11 Learn & Think out of the box Review the future of computing Review questions on nature of reality Watch Sci-Fi movies, read novels

12 12 Learn & Think out of the box Review the future of computing Review questions on nature of reality Watch Sci-Fi movies, read novels Discuss your ideas  Question everything!  Propose the wildest possibilities; do not be shy!

13 The truth, as always, will be far stranger “ ” Arthur Clarke

14 14 Creationism Vs Materialism Intelligent Design Vs Evolution A philosophical topic where the Science vs Spiritualism debate is at its hottest Creationism Humanity, life and the universe are the creation of a supernatural being (Creator) Materialism Only natural laws and forces (as opposed to supernatural) operate in the world and nothing exists beyond nature

15 15 Creationism Vs Materialism Intelligent Design Vs Evolution I favor Materialism because… I favor Creationism because… I am on the fence because… We’ll see how the future of computing will likely change your opinion Learn more: Materialism, Naturalism, Creationism

16 16 Materialism’s argument against the existence of a Creator There is no Creator if Science (physics, biology, matter and its laws) can explain everything Hawking Hitchens Dawkins

17 17 The argument’s underpinnings in Occam’s Razor  Prefer the simpler explanation over the more complex one  Science has followed Occam’s Razor  Works well: Predictive ability, constructive ability enabling technology  But isn’t the sentence “anything happens because God says so” a simple explanation?  Yes but either God encompasses a lot of irreducible complexity, i.e., is not a simple explanation  or, the infinite regression argument comes up: Who created the Creator?  Remember this question later. Computing proves that this argument is broken.  Learn more: The probabilistic basis of Occam’s Razor

18 18 The Metaphysical Question Are Materialism and Occam’s Razor simply a heuristic of science? Or a reality about the nature of the universe?  i.e., there is nothing beyond matter and its laws, since matter and its laws explain everything

19 19 One of the philosophical surprises brought by computing Coming up in the next episodes of the seminar…. A philosophical surprise on the current understanding of Occam’s Razor and its repercussions on Intelligent Design and more

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