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Human Heredity: Karyotypes and Pedigrees Mrs. Kooiman LSHS09-10.

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1 Human Heredity: Karyotypes and Pedigrees Mrs. Kooiman LSHS09-10

2 Vocabulary karyotype sex chromosome autosome pedigree

3 Human Chromosomes  By taking a look at the nucleus, we will see chromosomes of a human cell.  To analyze chromosomes, cell biologists photograph cells in mitosis, when the chromosomes are fully condensed and easy to see.  The biologists then cut out the chromosomes from the photographs and group them together in pairs.  A picture of chromosomes arranged in this way is known as a karyotype (KAR-ee-uh-typ).

4 Karyotype  These human chromosomes have been cut out of a photograph and arranged to form a karyotype.

5 TTTThere are 46 chromosomes in this karyotype of somatic cells TTTThere are 23 pairs of somatic cells TTTThe first 22 pairs are called autosomes

6  The last pair are called sex chromosomes  XX = Female  XY = Male  What is the gender of this karyotype?

7  Males and females are born in a roughly 50 : 50 ratio because of the way in which sex chromosomes segregate during meiosis.  Males and females are born in a roughly 50 : 50 ratio because of the way in which sex chromosomes segregate during meiosis.

8  All human egg cells carry a single X chromosome.

9  However, half of all sperm cells carry an X chromosome and half carry a Y chromosome.

10 This ensures that just about half, 2 out of 4, of the zygotes will be XX

11  This ensures that just about half, 2 out of 4, of the zygotes will be XY

12 Pedigree Charts  Human genes are inherited according to the same principles that Gregor Mendel discovered in his work with garden peas.  However, in order to apply Mendelian genetics to humans, biologists must identify an inherited trait controlled by a single gene to ensure that the trait is actually inherited and not the result of environmental influences.

13  A pedigree chart shows the relationships within a family

14 AAAA CIRCLE represents a Female,  AAAA SQUARE represents a Male, ■ AAAA HORIZONTAL line represents a marriage

15 AAAA VERTICAL line and a BRACKET connect the parents to their children GGGGeneration 1 had 5 children HHHHow many sons? HHHHow many daughters?

16 TTTThe children are listed from LEFT to RIGHT TTTThe OLDEST child is first TTTThe YOUNGEST child is last

17 AAAA SHADED circle or square means the person expresses the trait. AAAAn OPEN circle or square means the person does not express the trait.

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