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Poetry Collaboration between Reading and English.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry Collaboration between Reading and English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry Collaboration between Reading and English

2 Some History Reading classes have been added to the Grade 8 curriculum this year NECAP scores are improving in Grade 6 & 7 where Reading classes are already in place

3 Reading Grade 6

4 All comparative standards show improvement All areas have an average proficiency of proficient. Almost 70% of sixth graders meet or exceed proficiency in analyzing/interpreting non- fiction/informational texts. Relative strengths : analyzing/interpreting: non- fiction, literature, and author’s craft Relative weakness - vocabulary

5 Grade 7 Proficiency by Reading Standard (historical)

6 Reading Grade 7 Non-fiction and informational text standards show consistent proficiency. Literature standards (R:LT:5:1-3) show growth this past year. Relative strength: Vocabulary Relative Weakness: understanding informational texts however, nearly 60% of seventh graders meet or exceed proficiency

7 Grade 8 Proficiency by Reading Standard (historical)

8 Reading: Grade 8 Comparative standards show a slight decline in 2008. Vocabulary standards earned the highest average proficiency scores. All other areas are partially proficient. This is compared to 2006 - when these areas were designated proficient. Relative Strength: vocabulary - 66% of all 8th graders assessed met or exceeded proficiency in vocabulary. Relative Weakness: analyzing and interpreting informational texts

9 Thoughts to Ponder How do we approach areas of strength and weakness? What school-wide or grade wide strategies have supported our reading program?

10 Content Area Data Writing

11 Writing - Grade 8 Writing declined from 2006 to 2008 in both writing conventions and structures of language. The average proficiency earned proficient, despite the decline. Less than half of all eighth graders met proficiency on the writing test. Students who met or exceeded proficiency: 2008:47.23%2007:57.81%2006:70.34% Students who did not meet proficiency: 2008: 52.78%2007:42.19%2006:29.65%

12 Thoughts to Ponder… What has contributed to such a decline in the past three years? Since this assessment is only administered in grade eight, what can we do school wide, in all grades, to address writing?

13 Educational Disability: Grade 6 Over 40% of grade six students on IEPs are substantially below proficient in Understanding Elements in Literature. Both Vocabulary and understanding non- fiction/informational texts are relative areas of strength, with the greatest percentage (Almost 30%) of Grade 6 students on IEPs meeting or exceeding proficiency.

14 Educational Disability: Grade 7 About 20% on IEPs meet or exceed proficiency in literature and vocabulary. Vocabulary is a relative strength, but is ‘polarized’, with nearly half of students substantially below proficient. Understanding non fiction and informational texts is the relative area of weakness, with 83% not achieving proficiency.

15 Educational Disability: Grade 8 Analyzing and interpreting informational text is a relative area of weakness. Vocabulary is the relative area of strength. Vocabulary received the most ‘polarized’ results, with 60% of students earning a substantially below proficient designation.

16 Thoughts to Ponder… How do we as an organization value these results? How are the NWEA MAP assessments being used to help identify class/student needs during the teaching year? How do we capitalize on having a separate Reading class for our 8th Grade students?

17 Tiered Instruction Tier 1 - Strategy instruction through Landmark College’s reading outreach program : Pre-Reading Strategies During Reading Strategies After Reading Strategies Key - 3 for Comprehension and Vocabulary developing skills in main idea identification note taking summarizing

18 Tiered Instruction Tier 2 - Strategies from Tier 1 as well as continued training in LETRS, a program focused on research relating to the brain, the reading process, and the causes of reading difficulties and their remediation.

19 Tiered Instruction Strategies from Tiers 1 and 2 in addition to a structured remediative program of instruction - Language! Students receive instruction primarily in a small group setting.

20 Collaboration English and Reading teachers working together to identify focused skill instruction areas Example: Combining instruction for Tiers 2 and 3 for poetry.

21 Collaboration Shared opportunities for reading, analyzing, writing and sharing poetry Similar language and vocabulary during instruction

22 Written Opportunities Common Language - generalization between classes Consistency Reflective writing Opportunities to share efforts

23 Reading Opportunities to read a variety of materials Consistent use of reading strategies Consistent use of comprehension strategies

24 Reading and Writing Team teachers working together on components of Units Assistance from the Reading Specialist, Special Education and data team Identification of student placement

25 Responsibilities Students assessed quarterly to determine placement Students can be moved within the structure of Tiers I, 2, 3 depending on assessment information Opportunities for differentiated instruction Programmatic.Unit review to determine effectiveness and necessary adaptations Other Units of study Reading Specialist/Spec. Ed. Teacher Reading Specialist, Spec. Ed. Teacher, classroom teachers Classroom teachers

26 Where do we go from here? Beginning collaborative efforts to focus on reading and writing strategies can lead to further development of a variety of Units of study Teachers focusing on skill areas and curriculum together and using data to effectively provide functional instruction Utilizing specialists and services to develop effective units of study

27 Follow-Up Reading Specialist - Use of Focused Study Groups for skill review, learning profiles Classroom Teachers - Using NWEA_MAPS test information, Multiple Intelligence surveys to develop learning profiles - Ind. Goals for students Administration - Support from Data team - Performance Pathways –Opportunities for teacher collaboration and planning –Integrated Unit planning Sharing Unit plands and ideas with other grade level teachers Moving beyond Poetry…… :)

28 Focused Study Groups Fall - Using Focused Study Group class periods to assist students understand their learning styles, preferences, strengths and weaknesses. –Learning Profile sheets –Multiple Intelligence surverys On-line Hard copies –Standardized Test data Further develop input from Learning Profiles for teacher use in developing Unit plans

29 Focused Study Groups On-going - Targeted Skill review with students Differentiated Instruction Continued collaboration with further development of Integrated Units

30 NWEA - MAPS Fall - Review of test data and development of individulaized goals with students for improvements in targeted areas. On-going assessments at regular intervals with student review to determine growth

31 Data Team Using Performance Pathways to provide input to teachers on possible group placements and specific areas within academic areas for skill review and differentiated instruction

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