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Tutorial:Engineering metrology Topic: Workshop gauges Prepared by: Ing. Pavel Rožek Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorial:Engineering metrology Topic: Workshop gauges Prepared by: Ing. Pavel Rožek Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tutorial:Engineering metrology Topic: Workshop gauges Prepared by: Ing. Pavel Rožek Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3 Workshop gauges

4  Final length Basic gauges, limit calibres, measuring mandrels, referential (setting) rings etc.  Linear length Steel gauges, survey areas, steel coiling meters etc.

5  Slide callipers represent large group of simple gauges.  There belong slide callipers, slide depth gauges and slide altimeters.  They are universal, they are used to shaft and hole diameters measuring, distance, pitch and depth measuring, and also to geometrical deviation measuring.

6  Slide calliper with vernier Vernier difference is 0,1 mm, 0,05 mm or 0,02 mm.  Slide callipers with dial deviation indicator Scale division of circular dial is 0,05 mm, 0,02 mm or 0,01 mm.  Digital slide calliper has electronic measuring system, measured value is read on display with digital reading 0,01 mm.  Digital slide depth gauge

7  Altimeters are devices with vertical measuring axis,  Slide altimeter used for undemanding control operations and for scribing too,  Universal altimeter used at demanding checking of difficult, box parts. They enable to evaluate measuring results in 2 coordinates.

8 Gauges for measuring inside and outside sizes. Measuring element is micrometric bolt (measuring spindle).  Snap micrometer - measuring extent is 25 mm, - measuring force is from 5 N to 10 N,  Types of snap micrometer: - wire micrometers, - thread micrometers, - tooth micrometers  Micrometer with dial deviation indicator (pasameter)

9  Self-centring dual-contact cavity gauge (for accurate measuring inside holes)  Self-centring three-contact cavity gauge  Digital cavity gauge (for accurate measuring inside holes)

10  They are gauges - stroke of measuring rod converts by gear mechanism to deviation indicator scale.  In accordance to transmission mechanism, they divide into: - Deviation indicators with mechanical gear, - Deviation indicators with mechanical-optical gear, - Deviation indicators with pneumatic transmission, - Deviation indicators with electric transmission

11 Dial deviation indicators are used for:  Measuring of controlled deviations compared with nominal or set dimension  Measuring of shape and position deviations (peripheral and frontal offset)  Setting of components to required position at metalworking or measuring

12  Measuring bench (table) for dial deviation indicators, toggle deviation indicators, indicators and measuring probes  Machine for peripheral throwing control for quick and easy control of peripheral offset

13 Name at least 3 slide callipers and describe their usage in practice. Question 2: What is the machine for peripheral offset control used for?

14  NENÁHLO, Čeněk. Měření geometrických veličin. 1. Praha: ČMS, 2005. 207 s.  Mahr, MINIKATALOG – VÝROBNÍ MĚŘICÍ TECHNIKA Translation:    JANATA, Petr. Handy slovník technický anglicko-český a česko- anglický. Plzeň: Nakladatelství Fraus, 2000. ISBN 80-7238-075-3  Lingea LEXIKON 5, Technický slovník anglicko-český a česko- anglický. 2010.

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