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Native American History Jackson to Progressive Era: A History of Displacement.

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1 Native American History Jackson to Progressive Era: A History of Displacement

2 American Westward Expansion Causes  Manifest Destiny  Railroad Expansion  Industrial Revolution  Perceived Racial Superiority  Mining Opportunities  Farm Land  U.S. population boom  Missionary Work

3 Westward Expansion and Native American Experiences  Forcible Removal from land  Constantly at War  Spread of Disease (sometimes purposeful)  Series of Broken Treaties  Financial Hardship  Cultural Assimilation  Hunter Gatherer to Agriculture

4 Trail of Tears 1838  Cherokee and Seminole tribes removed from land in Southeast U.S.  Moved to Oklahoma  Jackson refuses to follow Supreme Court decision



7 Westward Expansion 1840s  Mexican American War  Oregon Trail  Fort Laramie purchased by U.S. gov’t  Seminole Nation V. United States  Bureau of Indian Affairs created  California Gold Rush 1849  Decline of Buffalo population

8 Manifest Destiny Takes Hold 1850s  New Territories settled  Land gained from Mexican American War  Conflicts develop between settlers and Native Americans  Treaties are signed and ignored

9 Southwest- Navajo and Apache Conflicts (1861-1886) ManuelitoGeronimoKit Carson

10 Navajo Conflicts 1860s  More settlers led to revolts and conflict  Americans distracted by Civil War  Kit Carson sent to Southwest  Navajo rebellions put down with harsh force  Long Walk to New Mexico  Navajo allowed to return to reservation

11 Apache Conflicts 1860s-1880s  Cochise and Geronimo led uprisings  Used guerilla warfare tactics  Hid in canyons and mountains  Also crossed over into Mexico  Both were eventually caught and forced to live on reservations

12 Wars in Southwest 1860s-1890s  After years of fighting the Navajo, Apache, and Cheyenne are forced on to reservations



15 Sioux Wars 1865-1890  Sioux Nation is divided into: - Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota  Modern Day Northern Midwest  American settlers begin mining  Americans focus on Black Hills


17 Sioux Wars  Fighting breaks out over Black Hills  Gold is discovered in Black Hills  Black Hills belonged to Sioux and were considered sacred  Colonel Custer sent to pacify Sioux

18 Battle of Little Big Horn 1876  Colonel Custer stumbles into trap  Sioux Forces led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull  Sioux defeat Custer easily  Custer’s Last Stand- No Americans surivve


20 Massacre at Wounded Knee 1890  Military attempts to move Sioux off reservations  Military removes rifles from Sioux  Shot is fired Massacre ensues  300 Sioux men, women, and children are killed.

21 Assimilation through Legislation  Indian Appropriation Act- Tribes can no longer negotiate as sovereign nations  Dawes Act- Native Americans moved off tribal reservations on to individual land allotments  Indian Education Act- Mandatory boarding school education, children removed from parents


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