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S1 + suggest/order/insist/advise/ require/demand+ that +

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Presentation on theme: "S1 + suggest/order/insist/advise/ require/demand+ that +"— Presentation transcript:

1 S1 + suggest/order/insist/advise/ require/demand+ that +
Sentence Patterns S1 + suggest/order/insist/advise/ require/demand+ that + S2 (should) + V 1. S1 + Aux not V1... +until S2 + V2.... → Not until S2 + V Aux S1 V1.... 2.

2 S1 + suggest/order/insist/advise/ require/demand+ that +
S2 (should) + V 1. Example 1. The stage manager suggested that I (should) go on in her place.

3 S1 + suggest/order/insist/advise/ require/demand+ that +
S2 (should) + V 1. Example 2. The teacher insisted that the homework (should) be written in English.

4 “You should stop working for a while,” Peter suggested. 1.
Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences. The first one has been done for you. “You should stop working for a while,” Peter suggested. 1. Peter suggested that I stop working for a while.

5 Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences. The first one has been done for you. “You should keep an English diary to improve your English,” our teacher advised. 2. Our teacher advised that we keep an English diary to improve our English.

6 “You should stay a little longer,” Mary suggested. 3.
Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences. The first one has been done for you. “You should stay a little longer,” Mary suggested. 3. Mary suggested that I stay a little longer.

7 The librarian demanded that I return the book by the end of the month.
Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences. The first one has been done for you. “You should return the book by the end of the month,” the librarian demanded. 4. The librarian demanded that I return the book by the end of the month.

8 My boss ordered that I present the report to him before 4 o’clock.
Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences. The first one has been done for you. “You should present the report to me before 4 o’clock,” my boss ordered. 5. My boss ordered that I present the report to him before 4 o’clock.

9 My parents insisted that I wear a helmet when riding my motorcycle.
Exercise A Rewrite the following sentences. The first one has been done for you. “You should wear a helmet when riding your motorcycle,” my parents insisted. 6. My parents insisted that I wear a helmet when riding my motorcycle.

10 Exercise B Answer each of the following questions with the word given. Use the pattern above. 1. Angela enjoys high-calorie foods and has gained much weight recently. What suggestion would you give her? (suggest) I would suggest that she eat less high-calorie foods and exercise regularly.

11 2. Your brother always makes a mess of your room so you cannot find your own stuff when you need it. What would you do? (demand) I would demand that he clean up my room at once and not mess it up again.

12 3. Jason never does his homework. He just wants to copy yours
3. Jason never does his homework He just wants to copy yours What would you do? (insist) I would insist that he do his homework by himself and not copy from others.

13 4. Your parents are too strict with you
4. Your parents are too strict with you. You are not free to do what you want. How would you solve the problem? (require) I would require that they give me more freedom to do what I want.

14 5. Your best friend has just failed an exam. She feels very upset now
5. Your best friend has just failed an exam. She feels very upset now. What advice would you give her? (advise) I would advise that she study harder and never give up.

15 6. Your father is a heavy smoker
6. Your father is a heavy smoker Yesterday, he went to see a doctor because he had a bad cough. What do you think the doctor would say? (order) The doctor would order that my father should stop smoking.

16 Ok. It’s the end of sentence pattern 1. Give yourself some applause!

17 S1 + Aux not V until S2 + V2.... → No until S2 + V Aux S1 V1.... 2. Example I didn't return and continue to sing until he handed the money to Mother. Not until he handed the money to Mother did I return and continue to sing.

18 Jerry didn't get married until he was 40. 1.
Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by using the above pattern. The first one has been done for you. Jerry didn't get married until he was 40. 1. Not until Jerry was 40 did he get married.

19 She didn't go to bed until her daughter came back. 2.
Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by using the above pattern. The first one has been done for you. She didn't go to bed until her daughter came back. 2. Not until her daughter came back did she go to bed.

20 People cannot drive cars until they are 18. 3.
Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by using the above pattern. The first one has been done for you. People cannot drive cars until they are 18. 3. Not until people are 18 can they drive cars.

21 I won't leave the city until school is over. 4.
Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by using the above pattern. The first one has been done for you. I won't leave the city until school is over. 4. No until school is over will I leave the city.

22 He did not realize how important health was until he lost it. 5.
Exercise A Rewrite the sentences below by using the above pattern. The first one has been done for you. He did not realize how important health was until he lost it. 5. Not until he lost (his) health did he realize how important it was.

23 Exercise B Yesterday was not Peter's day. He felt
like the most unfortunate person in the world. Try to figure out what happened to him. Then, complete the following sentences by using the given words and the above patterns. The first one has been done for you.

24 Exercise B Yesterday morning Peter was supposed to get up early because he had a meeting at 9:00. However, he *didn't get up until it was 10:00 (get up; it/10:00). Without having breakfast, he rushed to the bus stop. But the bus was delayed. Not until *__________ (he/have/wait/for an hour; bus/come). he had waited for an hour did the bus come

25 Exercise B On the way to his office, there was a traffic jam. Not until *__________ (meeting/be about to/finish; he/show up). After the meeting, he decided to go home. Unfortunately, it started to rain heavily. the meeting was about to finish did he show up

26 Exercise B He *__________ (can/leave; the rain/stop). When he got home, he found that he had left his key in the office. Not until *__________ (wife/come home; he/can/enter/house). couldn't leave until the rain stopped his wife came home could he enter the house

27 Ok. It’s the end of sentence pattern 2. Well done!

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